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How Do People Learn

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How do People Learn

How do People Learn

The four types of learning are classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social learning, and cognitive learning. In this paper I will give you an overview on each type of learning and examples of each.

Classical Conditioning is the first part of conditioning discovered by Ivan Paslow in which associations are made between a natural stimulus and a learned, neutral stimulus. It is the most primitive of learning. Classical Conditioning consist of conditional and unconditional stimulus and conditional and unconditional response. Response is a reaction to stimulus. Stimulus is anything that elicits a response. Unconditional Stimulus is a stimulus that automatically elicits a response. Conditional Stimulus is a stimulus that has previously been neutral, but is now a natural stimulus. Unconditional Response is an automatic response to a natural stimulus. Conditional Response is a response brought on by learning (Noll, 2009).

Emotional Conditioning also is apart of classical conditioning. John Watson found out that you don't have to learn how to be afraid because it happens automatically. If you have a stimulus that is frightening, your response will be fear.

B. F. Skinner founded Operant Conditioning. It is a type of conditioning those results from one's actions and the consequences they cause. Most learning is done through operant conditioning because it is learning done by experiences.

The brain learns more with operant conditioning than classical conditioning because the brain tends to remember unusual things better than common things. In operant conditioning, you must have reinforcement, primary, secondary, positive, and negative reinforcement. Reinforcement is something that follows a response and makes you want to repeat that response. Primary reinforcement is the reinforcement that is first and of greatest importance. Secondary reinforcement is anything that comes as a primary reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is reinforcement that makes you want to ...
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