How Am I Privileged?

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How am I privileged?


Liberia is a republic in West Africa, established in 1822 by Americans as a way to free Negro slaves. When I was young I had faced a lot of war situations and every time I had seen my state defending itself from opposing parties. At the age of 15, I decided to leave my country and move towards United States. I used to live with my family with all the happiness and joy in Liberia. We used to go for outing in our spare time and did a lot of fun and joyful activities in my childhood. It was an ideal life with no tensions and worries at all. But as the days started bringing more and more tensions, uncertainties and war situations then I decided to leave my country for my lifetime. Although I was young to make such a huge decision at that time i.e. to move to another country alone but it had become mandatory for my betterment to leave my country at once. The decision first looked as an emotional one and I had to face numerous difficulties in whole of my life till I become mature enough to tackle different situations and earn enough to invest in other areas so to get better returns. I consider myself to be lucky enough as I made the right decision at the right time which was to move from my home country to US.


Today, I own two businesses which provide me enough returns so to live happily in the desirous country for most of the people in this world. They wish to come here and reside and enjoy with the benefits provided by the state to its residents and the citizens. I have now become a US citizen, married with a sweet girl and have become ...
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