If your dog is going to reside inside the dwelling and in most of the countries over 90% of the pets do, you are going to have to go through the housebreaking method unless you have grossly different hygienic measures than most. It is not hard, it need not be untidy, and it need not be a labor. It does not have to take a long time. Remember that it is a training issue and you will need to have more than casual input. It will take some of your time but the more involved you get, the shorter that span will be.
Puppies are like toddlers, in the sense that they need guidance on where and how to proceed potty. Since dogs like to hold their dwelling space clean, teaching them is simpler than one may believe. The keys to success are consistency and endurance. Did you just find another puddle in your dwelling? Or did you stroll into the dwelling room and discover a stack of poop? Do you seem like you are expending all your time taking the dog outside or cleansing up messes in the house? If yes than you need to potty train your puppy.
Deliverable 2
Training Objectives
Understanding Puppy
Understand different types of puppies and their temperaments.
Efforts required in training a puppy.
How a potty trained puppy can help a family.
How to properly housekeeping/potty train a puppy
Recognizing Potty training
Its importance for maintaining over all hygiene.
Impact of a potty trained puppy towards others
Advantages of potty training in maintain a healthy puppy.
Addressing Housekeeping/potty training
Illustrate proper steps of how to potty train a puppy.
Identify proper methods of potty training a puppy.
Motive people over the topic of proper housekeeping.
Preventive Measures
Steps to prevent your puppy from bad habits.
Things a puppy owner should learn about housekeeping.
Deliverable 3
Course Description and Strategies:
This course is designed to teach the residents of the area and general puppy owners regarding housekeeping/potty training. The training session will provide audience a chance of learning all about nurturing a puppy so that it is easy to handle him.
As trainers, we will use expert's advices and theories of teaching people about this topic.
Course Parameters:
Course Title: How to Housekeeping/potty train a puppy
Target Audience: Local resident, general dog owners
Purpose: To help everyone understand what happiness and comfort a potty trained puppy can bring in people's life.
Goals: Teach people about puppy's nurturing
Total Time: Four hours
Number of Participants: 15-20
Locations: At the Office
Prerequisites: General public
Instructors: X, Y, and Z
Detailed Lesson Plan
Course Title: How to Housekeeping/potty train a puppy
Lesson Title: How to Housekeeping/potty train a puppy
Lesson Length: Four Hours
Prerequisites: None
Room Arrangement: Two groups of people in Horseshoe arrangement so they are facing the other group during discussions.
Materials and Equipment Needed: Overhead Projector, handouts, badges, stoplights
Evaluation and Assignments: Role-play, handouts
Comment: Remind Employees of training a day or two ...