Hospitality Management Assignment

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Hospitality Management Assignment


This study was administrated to undergraduate students living in the various campuses and hostels of National University of Singapore. The primary purpose of this study was to identify the most important factors that predict undergraduate students' behaviour towards energy consumption and level of satisfaction with the student hostels they are living in. This paper also explored the difference in the behaviour levels of students living in hostels pertaining to energy consumption and eco-friendly attitude within the campus and those living in hostels outside the campus. Based on literature review, it was hypothesized that there would be a difference in the satisfaction level between these two groups of hostel residents due to the different characteristics that these hostels have. The result of the study suggests that satisfaction with fees, distance from university facilities, room safety, room size, hostel security, and hostel facilities are the most important factors which predict undergraduate students' satisfaction with their hostel. There was also a significant difference in the satisfaction level between inside-campus and outside-campus hostels students.

Hospitality Management Assignment

Section - 1

(Article Reviews)

Green Energy

Energy generated from environmental friendly and non-polluting sources is known as green energy. The main sources of green energies are geothermal, solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass. Nuclear energy is also considered by some to be green energy. These sources are considered green because they produce low carbon emission while generating power and create less pollution in the environment. It is a fact that global warming (GW) and subsequent climate change (CC) is happening due to the emission of greenhouse gases and particulate black carbon as a consequence or by product of energy generation. Greenhouse gases are mostly produced from the burning of fossil fuels like gasoline (petrol, diesel, kerosene, and other petroleum products), coal, and natural gases to produce energy (James, 1976).

What is each author's thesis?

This article explores the relationship between constitutional principles and constitutional politics in the ways in which we talk about the meaning of decision. Shows how beliefs about the principle upon which rests Brown was built on the basis of conflicts over their applicability, and demonstrates how such conflicts have produced deviations and contradictions in the doctrines implement the guarantee of equal protection. Reviewing the first arguments Brown, we are better able to describe the values and concerns have shaped the development of the right to equal protection and to discuss those can get to shape their future. At the same time, exploration of the hallmark a constitutional conflict in our constitutional commitments invites us (Goettemoeller, 2007). Further reflection on the ways in which the Court and the people are made each claim allows us to ask questions about how the Court constructed a constitutional principle that can generate loyalty from the personas people whose lives are limited.

Today, many understand that Brown put an end to the era of segregation in the United States to declare the constitutional principle that government cannot classified based on race. Often, judicial and popular spokesmen invoke that ...
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