Hospitality Industry

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Best Fit Approach or Best Practice

Best Fit Approach or Best Practice


As per the believes of the modern theories related to "Hospitality Industry”, hospitality is the term tends to be rendered as a more capacious and the general concept, since its objective is to meet the needs of not only tourists in the narrow sense, but consumers in general. Tourism and hospitality industry cannot be regarded as a different industry, as tourists - are primarily consumers with diverse needs, including specific, depending on the goals and motives of travel, as well as on a number of points. However, the tourists are first and foremost consumers in general; therefore, tourism and hospitality industry should be viewed as a whole because of the inseparable unity. Hospitality is one of the fundamental concepts of human civilization, is currently under the influence of technological process has become a powerful industry that employs millions of professionals, creating warmth and comfort for people (Lucas, 2002, 267).

Hospitality Industry unites the various professional fields of human activity: tourism, hotel and restaurant business, catering, leisure and entertainment, conferences, seminars and exhibitions, sports, museum, exhibition, sightseeing activities, and vocational education in the field of hospitality. The hospitality industry is also deciphered as a complex, comprehensive scope of professional people, whose efforts are aimed at meeting the diverse needs of customers (guests), both tourists and locals. Keeping the significance of the hospitality industry in view, it needs to be looked upon from the different human resource perspectives. This paper tends to shed light on the theories of best fit approach against the best practice approach. It would be done through different perspectives in order to develop an effective and efficient understanding of the subject.


Best Fit Approach

As the concept of Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) made its place in the management philosophy, efforts have been made to fit HR to the strategy of the firm. Managers started realizing that the firm's strategy and HR practice or set of practices should be in line with each other for effectively impacting firm performance. The best in HR practices is worth the attention of HR managers but understanding the peculiarity of one's own business is also important. A firm makes its strategies for the next five to 10 years and so has to identify the competencies that would match its strategies. In order to fulfil this purpose the hospitality industry tends to recruit employees by keeping in mind the strategy of best fit. Moreover, the hospitality industry tends to be looked upon as the imperativeness of a suitable or Best Fit employee for the proper and smooth functioning of the organization (Baum & Nickson 1998, pp 76).

This notion tends to draw its roots from the fact that there is a need to realize the fact that they prefer to keep a position vacant for as long as two months, but they do not prefer to hire an employee that is unfit for the organization. Since the hospitality industry tends to cater to wide ...
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