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Homeschooling as an Educational Issue

Homeschooling as an Educational Issue


Home schooling is the process by which pursues the education of children exclusively in the context of their family or home, but in any case outside public and private institutions. This phenomenon has always existed in the past being the only form of intellectual instruction. There are several motivations for home schooling children, which normally have the shaft in opposition to the laws of compulsory education and curriculum (Reindl, 2005). In many places homeschooling is a legal option for parents who want to train their children with a learning environment different from the nearby schools (Reindl, 2005). Many of these families make this choice on religious grounds. People often prefer homeschooling for their children because they do not like the environment of the schools that corresponds their area or the institutional effect of schools in general (Reindl, 2005).

Homeschooling have become a problem for the educational sector because most of the people have adapted the practice of homeschooling. This practice deteriorates the traditional concept of schooling and also the socialization skills of the children studying at home. There are several advantages of homeschooling but the disadvantages of homeschooling are even more. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the disadvantages of homeschooling that has been affecting the educational sector and the children who are currently getting education by staying at home.

The disadvantages of homeschooling are diversified and have tremendous impact on several conceptions. Due to the homeschooling practice children may not be able to socialize because of the lack of interaction with the other individuals (Reindl, 2005). In homeschooling children are often taught by their parents or personal tutors hence their socialization skills deteriorate. Homeschooling can also harm the family relationships as the parents are involved in their jobs and then they need to focus on the education of their children. Another issue of homeschooling is sexual harassment; there have been many cases of sexual harassment in homeschooling scenarios in which the children are harassed by their personal tutors. This scenario encompasses both the genders; male and female.

Discussion and Analysis

Decline of Public and Private Schooling System

Before the 20th century it was the parents who were responsible for the doings of their children. Before the era of modernization there was very little concept of independence as the children purely depended on their parents. After the implementation of various child education programs by the States it was realized that homeschooling has a tremendous impact on the social life of the children (Reindl, 2005). The initiated education programs were supported by the Constitution of United States to improve the educational system of the country. Until 20th century it was realized that parents were purely dependent on the private schools for the academic career of their children. This decision of the parents was supported by the fact that public schools in United States were not considered secure for the moral and ethical development of their child (Dowty, Cowlishaw, ...
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