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History Of The Web With Emphasis On E-Commerce And The Global Market

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History of the web with emphasis on e-commerce and the global market

History of the web with emphasis on e-commerce and the global market


The World Wide Web in the "www" or simply "network” is the information space of interest element is known as a useful resource, and is identified by the so-called global identifier Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), people often mistakenly believe that it is similar to the entire Internet, but actually is a very important subset. The purpose of the WWW is to enable users to see or use more than just text


In late 1960s, the famous and the most talented Ted Nelson showed the hypertext concept which was a bench mark of that time; Douglas Engelbart invented the first and most useful hypertext system that enabled working efficiently. 1980s also started with the remarkable achievement with a invention of the network itself by the Robert Cailliau and Tim Berners - Lee in Europe.

The Web was officially designed and launched as an orientation of the Internet in 1989 which has not been there that far. However, it has turn out to be a huge part of many individuals' lives; enable them to communicate, play in a global market and work. Particularly Web is all about communication and relationship building, and has prepared these relationships promising between groups, individuals, and communities where they couldn't even communicate throughout. This Web has been built as a community without limits, borders, or even rules; and now has turn out to be a true planet of its own.

A decade back there wasn't the anything that could possibly deliver anything next to expensive, specially made computer tools for expert audience. The WWW provide standards and the viewers of about millions, making it viable for other services ...
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