History Of The Olympic Games

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History of the Olympic Games


There will be hardly anyone who does not know about Olympics Games. It is one the major world sports event held every 4 years during the summer and winters alternatively, in which more than 200 countries around the globe participate to compete. Although there are other sports like Football and Cricket, which has tremendous popularity among youth but no sporting event can be substitute for Olympics. Olympics Charter is the constitution document of the organization which sets out all the rules and guidelines, which is strictly followed during the event. Every time the event is commenced, there is also an opening ceremony as well as closing ceremony as mandated in its charter; followed by medals distribution. It consists of 35 games and 30 disciplines.


History of Olympics can be traced back to Greece about 3000 years ago. According to a legend, Heracles, son of Zeus, founded the Olympic Games. There are historical accounts, which verify that, there were four major sports events used to hold in Greece by the end of 6 BC. Most famous, among all four, was Olympic Games that were held in the city of Olympia. There was a holy temple on the mountains of Olympia built in honor of Greek Gods. These games were also held there to honor the Gods. Initially, the whole event used to consist of 'Stade', 192 yards long footrace, but, as time passed, wrestling, Chariot races (horse race) and Pentathlon was also made part of the event. New rules were introduced within each game gradually for example, 'dialus' and 'dolichos', 400 meter and 1500 meter footraces respectively, were also included. It is said that a naked runner, 'Coroebus' (a cook from Elis), won the first ever 'Stade' race at the Olympics (Britannica, 2011).

Olympic Games remained famous for another 1200 years. The decline of Olympic started in the mid of 2nd century BC when Rome conquered Greece. The Romans looked on athletics with contempt—to strip naked and compete in public was degrading in their eyes. Not realizing the political importance of Olympic Games, Roman emperors continued to extend only a little support for the games. Rome used to conduct Gladiators show, but the idea, behind it, was different. Greece's Olympic Games were held for the competitors while Roman used the games festival to entertain the public. In 393 CE, the Roman emperor Theodosius I., a Christian, abolished the Games because of their pagan influences. Judith Swaddling in his book traces the mythological and religious origins of the games and describes the events, religious ceremony, and celebrations that were an essential part of the Olympic festival. According to him, ”it is likely that Olympic Games as we know them might never have existed” (Swaddling, p.13).

After that, History shows no evidence of existence of athletics games in any form until 19th century when Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchmen, started to work for its revival after nearly 1500 years. Coubertin wanted to revitalize the vigor in French military after they were overrun ...
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