This paper will analyze the history of Meteorological Analysis. The historical analysis of Meteorological will help in better understanding the base of the topic
History of Meteorological Analysis
Meteorological Analysis is the science that studies in an interdisciplinary way, the phenomena of the atmosphere and other planets, with a focus on physical processes and weather forecasting.
The word 'meteor' meaning is high or in the air. The weather is exactly atmospheric science or the science of the atmosphere.
The scientific research of the atmosphere and the applications deriving from the universe and define scope of meteorology. A major goal of operational meteorological analysis is the weather forecast, understood here as the predicted atmospheric phenomena that occur in a future period of 15 days. Weather forecasts for determining the trend of climatic fluctuations are generally referred to simply as climate trend. In this case, the trend seeks to establish the conditions of climatic fluctuations of next year or the next season, the temperature, soil moisture; precipitation will be above, below or close to the expected value. So, the weather is set to different temporal and spatial scales. Many of weather systems present a complex combination of phenomena at different scales.
The forecasts or predictions of local weather phenomena, especially those associated with severe weather phenomena, such as storms, gales, squalls, rain shower and hail are very important to a wide range of human activities and to understand the rapid transformation of environment (Vasquez, 2002).
For example, in large cities the most critical meteorological phenomena ultimately define the conditions of health and environmental quality which is subject population. Among these phenomena are listing floods, droughts and availability of drinking water, the critical conditions of extreme temperatures (heat waves). These are generally associated with low values ??of relative humidity, the critical events of air pollution associated with the concentrations of air pollutants above acceptable values to human health, animal and plant. The world population of cities is today a growing perception about their vulnerability to environmental hazards.
The atmosphere is one of the components of the planet called Environmental System, which also involved the ocean, the general planetary surface (soil, rocks etc) and all the living beings, to set a system characterized by a complex web of interrelationships and feedbacks (processes of positive feedback and negative). Meteorology studies the atmosphere in its interrelation with the other spheres of the planet: the biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere.
The atmospheric layer in which most of the living earth and live air is also called homosfera because it to thermal convection and turbulence encountered in the troposphere homogenized fractions by volume of atmospheric gases, mainly nitrogen (also called nitrogen) and oxygen .
The atmosphere is different from others in the solar system, on the one hand, the presence of significant amounts of water vapor and oxygen, and secondly, the lack of chemistry between chemical compounds in the atmosphere. It is widely depending on the biochemical reactions (Santurette, 2005).