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Europe history

Europe History

French Revolution

French Revolution (1789 - 1794): France creates a new form of states the pressure of the insurrectionary Commune of Paris; the Convention abolished the monarchy September 21, 1792. The birth of the French Republic is proclaimed. On May 5, 1789, Louis XVI convened the Estates General at Versailles. On 17 June, the Third Estate proclaimed itself the National Assembly. This assembly was sworn on June 20 in Room Jeu de Paume, not to separate before giving a written constitution to France. On 9 July, she proclaims Constituent Assembly and to deprive the king's absolute sovereignty. The storming of the Bastille, July 14, causes a wave of enthusiasm throughout France and the establishment of the Great Fear. Worried, the Assembly voted on August 4 the abolition of all feudal rights in the nature of a personal servitude. The attempted reaction of Louis XVI, who called at Versailles on the Flanders regiment, causes the 5th and 6th October. Parisians marched on Versailles and bring the king to Paris. Until 1789, the absolutism in France that is to say that King concentrates all the powers, because according to him, his power comes from God; we speak of divine right monarchy. The King was at the top of the social pyramid, despite the designation of representatives, he controls everything. The offspring is determined by the Salic law who inherits the status of King. Absolutism is staged; it still represents the same codes: position of the king, costume, and attributes of power (sword lily, blue, crown, hand of justice). During the crises, Napoleon was given power to declare an emergency to control the situation. After that, he held this power to himself and became head of the country.

Russian Revolution

The Soviet Union is also officially known as the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR).

Era of 1920's

The act of the Russian Revolution which occurred in the 1917 led to the downfall of the Russian empire. Soon after the downfall of the Russian Empire, the struggle between the Vladimir's Party which was Bolshevik Party and the Anti-Communist party started. From 1918 to the year 1920, a civil war initiated between the communist parties. The anti-communist parties took advantage of it and took over the control of Russia. The anti-communist party attained a lot of support from many countries like, Unites States of America, Britain, Japan also France. Later on, despite the support from powerful countries, the communists were able to beat their opponents. The communist party was also able to implement the Communist rule in not just the east of America and the Central Asia; it was also able to implement the rule in Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia.

In the year of 1921, more uprisings of the peasants along with the strikes of the workers broke out. That year, Vladimir Lenin developed the New Economic Policy.

New Economic Policy

The new Economic policy (NEP) is an economic policy that is also known as the state capitalism. This policy promoted small businesses, private ventures and smoke shops ...
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