Hindu Muslim Situation

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The Hindu-Muslim Situation in 1947 Leading Separation of Pakistan from India

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The Hindu-Muslim Situation in 1947 Leading Separation of Pakistan from India


There are a number of books, essays, memoirs and articles are written on this topic. This topic of partition is a topic that is in vogue since the time of independence and would continue for the coming years. This is the topic that is not only the main concern of the historians but also for the general public. There are some basic questions about which historians and politicians debate about related to this matter of partition. The main question about which the debate always remains on is about the reasons behind the partition. When we evaluate different debates, written articles, news and contents then it would be revealed to us that the main reason behind this is religion. The aim and objective of this paper is to talk about the religion as the reason behind this partition. The following part of the paper undertakes discussion about this issue from different perspectives.

Hindu Muslim Situation Leading to Separation of India & Pakistan

The situation and the role of religion can best be analyzed by explaining the ideas that are presented by politicians and historians. Ume Kaura a historian in her book Muslims and Indian nationalism (1977) by keeps the track of the hatred of Muslims. She went back to the period of 1928 and mentions the hatred of the Congress party when the Nehru report was rejected in which the demand for protecting the Muslims' rights were forwarded. In her book, Kaura writes that it was in the year 1928 when all the big leaders representing Muslims were eager to give up to held a separate electorate in case their other demands are fulfilled (Kaura, 1997, 14). These other demands that Muslims wanted to be fulfilled include separating the province of Sind from Bombay, to provide one third representation of Muslims in the central legislature, to implement the constitutional reforms in the North West Frontier Province and Baluchistan and statutory Muslim majority in Punjab and Bengal (Gene, 2011, 52). She suggests that these demands that were put forwarded by the Muslims were not at all threat to the unity of India. To calm down and to make Hindu Mahasabha happy, Motilal Nehru did not prefer to accept these demands of Muslims. When these demands of Muslims were rejected by Nehru then this in turn ignited the fire among Muslim leaders. Kaura further mentions that this fire that was burning among Muslim leaders increased and became more intensified in 1937 (Tarling, 1992, 136). This is because the Congress did not approve the idea of forming coalition ministries in the provinces. She adds that the pro-Hindu policies of the Congress Ministries further alienated the Muslims of India. Kaura's main point is that the events between 1928 and 1940 were primarily responsible for Muslim alienation from the nationalist cause and the emergence of the demand for Pakistan (Kaura, 1997, ...
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