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Motivation and Barriers in Higher Education

Motivation and Barriers in Higher Education


Students have different needs and motivations than students begin their education for the first time. Students look for ways to grow throughout his career, and for new career opportunities that education can provide. This CD may be associated with financial needs, or the desire to provide an example for his family.


Families serve as the key to the success of learners. In balancing all aspects of their lives, Students, students may apply to his family as a source of inspiration and motivation. students can return to school as part of the disc is better not only themselves but the lives of their families. Students also require relevant knowledge they seek. Students tend to turn their past experience with new knowledge (Elodie, 2010, p. 791). Increased self-esteem is a motivating factor, and the result of continuous education for Students. We see the inverse correlation between the knowledge that they are capable of learning and growth as education starts down the educational path. learners are less likely to simply accept what they teach; instead they should try and take an active part in their upbringing. For this reason, traditional teaching methods are less effective learning. There are many factors that motivate learning to not only start but to continue their education in the future (Winston, 1975, p. 289).

There are many motivations for career accomplishments. Family is one of the main motives in reaching career by being motivated by family tradition or performs the following to express the wishes of parents or other close relatives. The world of "motivation" is used to describe the drive, need or want something like this (Slavin 1994). Others choose careers to create a significant or permanent income, as well as to meet the current and long-term financial needs. Others are attached to the career of an outlet for creativity and innovation. Students are to seek a career, because they offer the possibility of positively affecting the lives of others or their communities. Respect is another reason why Students want to get a career. Getting respect from colleagues and others associated with them is an important issue for most Students. learners have different motives, which affect them in achieving career.

Employment and career advancement more motivated learners. In connection with the number of Students have responsibilities that affect their search for successful career opportunities (Dean, 1994, p. 35). students ...
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