High School And College

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High School and College

High School and College

A good quality education is crucial for one's life. In order to attain a good quality education, you must participate in college and high school. Although some people think that there is a lot common in high school and college. However, I believe that they are very different. After high school, I enrolled in college and found that there are many differences between them. The attitude of these differences is including the workload of teachers and students to give students responsibility.

The main difference between high school and college is that high school is mandatory, usually free, if you go to a public school. In contrast, the college is usually voluntary, and very expensive. In high school, your time is usually structured, for example, the endless tutoring or extracurricular activities to attend. In college, you manage your own time. You must manage your time, study and do homework, because you know it needs to be done through the class. In high school, you need permission to participate in extracurricular activities. However, in the colleges your responsibility is to decide whether to participate or not. You can participate or not to do so. In high school, you only need the money to purchase or special event. On the other hand, in college, you need money to meet such as food, clothing and other basic necessities. You will be treated as juveniles in high school. You can rely on parents and teachers to remind you and your responsibility to set priorities to guide you. However, in college, you are considered an adult which means you're old enough for what you do and not do the responsibilities and the consequences of your decision.

The attitude of high school teachers is most likely different from the attitude of college teachers, in many ways. In high school, my teacher seems to be strict, and provide students with more rules to follow. Teachers also ensure that each student to follow these rules to the maximum extent possible, carried out for those who do not obey their discipline behavior.

One example in which a high school teacher is strict for disciplinary action when students are late or skip a scheduled class, students usually detention as an "F" for the class, skipped or late day. Although many universities also need to attend and execute it, but some teachers do not like. While in college, I noticed that some teachers who think it is the responsibility of students to class. If students choose to skip the class, teachers say very few students are usually absent or late for a final grade for the course of. Most college teachers feel that students should be mature enough to decide whether or not to leave their class to make their own decisions in this decision. In high school, I also note that the teacher has strict rules, obedience to superior authority to give one to them. These rules include: no eating in class or chewing ...
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