High Performance Culture Organization

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High Performance Culture Organization

High Performance Culture Organizations


Organization culture can play an important role in guiding the behavior and attitude of people belonging to any organization. The culture is an abstract concept but when applied to a workplace or organizational settings, its importance cannot be denied. With increasing competition, globalization, mergers and variety of departments in the workplace, importance of having a strong organization culture cannot be denied. It is impossible to implement organizational change without knowing the exact organization culture of the workplace. If any leader or manager tries to bring change or implement new strategic plan, it will be impossible until and unless the new planning is consistent with organization's set of values and norms (Forbes, 2011).


Organization Culture and Performance

According to Louis organization culture is defined as “a set of understandings or meanings shared by a group of people that are largely tacit among members and are clearly relevant and distinctive to the particular group which are also passed on to new members” (National Defense University). Organization culture constitutes shared beliefs, ideas and value of a group (Ariclesbase, 2007). These values and beliefs are considered as normal standards of behavior and action in organization. The newcomers or new employees can learn the culture or standards of behavior through mission and objectives of the organization that are in the written form. Other components of culture like shared beliefs and ideas are learned mostly through observation of the old employees. Organization cultures guides employees in terms of actions and how they should act under a particular situation. For example corporate culture can be treated as a system that takes inputs or feedback from the surroundings and environment and gives output in the form of behavior, products, and innovations in technology etc (Mcnamara, 2000).

If an organization focuses solely on the culture and base it actions planning to compete and succeed in the industry on the shared values and beliefs then it may be successful in increasing the morale and job satisfaction of the workers but not be that successful in terms of meeting its goals and objectives. On the other hand organizations that incorporate targets and goals to drive the organization towards success can accomplish its goals for a short time period but will not be able to sustain it or maintain since it will be missing out on strong value and beliefs or the people. Workers will perform in order to meet the targets and not because it's something they truly believe in or agree with. Incorporating both the culture of an organization and business performance and goals working methodology and processes of organization will result in a high performance culture for both the organization and employees. Employees will be more motivated to work hard and with commitment to meet the overall goals of organization that they truly believe in. organizations that are successful in the long run are the ones that understand the unspoken shared values and norms of the employees and aim at achieving their goals through the shared ...
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