Hershey's Sweet Mission

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Hershey's Sweet Mission

Hershey's Sweet Mission


The paper will present the discussion on the mission of Hershey Company and the way its employees contribute to its mission. The company's mission is to bring sweet memories of happiness to world every day. The company is one of the largest companies in the world and hence, it has a lot of employees from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, the company needs to implement a performance management system which is appropriate for the diverse workforce. Since human resource is the most important resource for a company; therefore, the companies need to understand their employees' performance and training needs in order to make their work efficient and effective.

As far as the Hershey's mission is concerned, the company cannot be able to achieve its mission without the help of its employees. Hence, it needs to concentrate on the needs and requirements of its employees according to their ethnicity and background. The case has discussed two trends which the company can adopt in order to achieve its mission; which are the performance management system and the mentoring program.

Redesign of Hershey's Performance Management System

In today's global world, the companies need to hire employees from different ethnics and backgrounds to grow internationally. A company cannot be successful if it does not have diverse workforce. However, management of diverse workforce is not an easy task. The managers of the company must be qualified and trained enough to understand and fulfill the needs of all the employees. One thing that needs to be considered is the performance management system of the company which needs to be redesigned accordingly (Daniels, 2004).

The performance management systems are gaining importance as there are regular changes and increased competition for the talent to grow. The success of the performance management system of the diverse workforce depends on the following three factors:

Integration of the performance management system into the overall business and strategy of human resource management;

Permanent questioning of the perception and impact of current programs among employees;

Involvement of employee representatives and other key stakeholders into the decision making regarding the performance management system.

Hence, it can be said that the performance management system of Hershey should be able to coordinate the tasks which are designated to the employees with a well defined factors to create value and provide them with clear responsibilities and objectives. The performance system which is based on the diverse workforce would help the company in achieving its mission and goals by defining the main strategic principles to implement in the system (Cokins, 2009).

It will also help in identifying the key behaviors and actions which will lead the organization to the expected results, and clearly linking the strategic adherence by all the employees of the achieved financial results. Consequently, this way, the company will be capable of increasing the employees' efficiency who will be motivated to act in a way which will impact on the business results.

Values That Embrace to the Employee's Role

If I would be an employee in the Hershey Company, ...
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