Hermetic Moment

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Hermetic Moment

Hermetic Moment

When we are in Hermes' Field, notes overtake with truly unbelievable pace between the intelligence and the fingertips, and heart and bones, between the sex and body, and the part of us that help us in bringing smile on our faces. Hermes is Mercury, and we understand that mercury will not be held in the hand - it rolls universal, divides into minute lets fall, connects afresh, falls on the floor, rolls under the table, moves with astonishing quickness. It is rightly called Quicksilver. In defining the term consciousness for many people, the immediate task is to free our thinking from the meanings and constraints imposed by training in Western thought and techniques, and especially by the Western episteme and paradigms inherited and used for thinking itself. The African heritage of black people is replete with elegant, elaborate, and extraordinary conceptualizations of human knowing and awareness. The following explication is a brief and partial composite of African-centered understanding of consciousness.

In regard to the notion of Hermes, it is fairly well documented that Greeks conceives of reality and all that is within reality as a mental expression of the divine. Ancient Nile Valley metaphysics, for instance, believes that Djehuti (whom the Greeks call Hermes) is the mind and will of the creative demiurge and that from this personified divine mind emerges the word that brings all things into being.

In Iron John, Bly which is structured on an allegorical interpretation of a German fairytale, Bly argues that contemporary American men are sorely lacking nurturing fathers, meaningful mentors, self-respect, and "most of all," Row says, "the ability to cultivate their inner resources as Socrates said, to know themselves." Though reviled by many feminists, Row writes, Bly supports the women's movement, as long as both sexes acknowledge that men's and women's ...
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