Heredity Risk Factor For Breast Cancer

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Heredity Risk factor for Breast Cancer


The major aim of this paper is to find out the heredity risk factor for breast cancer, which is discussed by defining the three strategies depending on the detection of the cancer. There are many risk factors that are associated with genetic. These factors are deeply analyzed based on heredity contribution. In the end, the paper focuses on the prevention and detection method in order to be cured to lead happy and healthy life.

Heredity Risk factor for Breast Cancer


There are three strategies that have proven effective in early detection of cancer of the breast, which are: a) clinical examination and detection of risk factors by the doctor, b) breast self-examination done by women in a systematic manner c) making the screening mammography (screening). Depending on the promotion of breast cancer information and education, timely diagnosis and proper treatment, morbidity and mortality rates of the disease could be reduced. It is very important that the general practitioner encourages every woman for having breast self-examination at prescribed intervals. If the disease is detected early, it can be cured in up to 90% of cases (Steinberg).

The incidence of breast cancer is spreading throughout the world. According to breast cancer research, it is the most common cancer in women in United States (Milton 2001). A lot of research is already underway. The subject is of particular interest to the medical community, patients and the general population. There are three strategies that have proven effective in early detection of cancer of the breast, which are: a) Clinical examination and detection of risk factors by the doctor, b) Breast self-examination done by women in a systematic manner; and c) Making the screening mammography (screening).

Depending on the promotion of breast cancer information and education, timely diagnosis and proper treatment, morbidity and mortality rates of the disease could be reduced. It is very important that the general practitioner encourages every woman for having breast self-examination at prescribed intervals. If the doctors detect the disease at an early stage, it can be cured in up to 90% of cases.

Hereditary Risk factors

For proper diagnosis and care, practitioners need to be aware of the risk factors of the disease. The presence of two or more risk factors increases the likelihood of developing the disease. The most important are:

Early menstruation (i.e. before age 12)

Older age at time of first pregnancy (34 years) or not women who have never given birth

Personal history of breast cancer or benign (not cancerous) breast reports (hyperplasia atypical ductal).

Mother or sister (s) with breast cancer

Increased breast density on a mammogram

Exposure to Hormone replacement therapy

Excessive consumption of Alcoholic drinks

Being white and;

Being Elderly (age over 45)

Genetic alterations like ones that occur in BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 in hereditary breast / ovarian syndrome and CDH1 in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (Julie, 2005). Clearly identifiable causes of breast cancer have yet to indicate. The relationship between cause and effect (as between smoking and lung cancer) in breast cancer is not as ...
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