Through your esteemed newspaper, I am pleased to express the issue of heat stroke is the rising issue of health care which occurs when body gets too hot. This may be caused by exercise or humid weather. One may feel weak, dizzy or worried. An individual can also have a headache or a fast heartbeat.
There are two kinds of heat stroke: classic heat stroke, which is not related to the practice of physical activity and heat stroke due to conflict with the exercise. Classic heat stroke occurs most commonly in the very young or, conversely, in older people whose health is frail and environmental conditions in which they live are usually bad.
Health care authorities also state that person become dehydrated and urinating very little. Heat stroke occurs when the body cannot regulate its temperature. It is very important that an individual must be aware of this issue and how to take precautions to avoid it (Tintinalli, 2004).
Heat stroke occurs when the temperature is very hot. It is necessary that, precautions should be taken for preventing this issue these include, dressing as lightly as possible when at home. Loose clothes should be preferred along with light colors. The sunburn reduces the body's ability to cool and makes to lose fluid.
Dehydration can be deadly and threatens especially children and the elderly. Its prevention requires adequate hydration and you have to think to offer water to the child before he claims it. Never leave a child in a stationary vehicle windows closed in the sun.
It also causes pain and damage to the skin. In order, to protect from the sun wear wide brimmed hat (also keeps cooler) and sunglasses and apply sunscreen of SPF ...