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The Movie: Heat

The Movie: Heat

The Director

The movie Heat was released in 1995 which was directed and written by Michael Mann. Michael Mann was the person who had the ultimate responsibility for the overall film. As the director of the movie interprets script into personal vision and decides the overall look with the cinematographer and production designer; furthermore, it directs actors etc (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2011).

The Production Designer

Neil Spisak was the production designer of Heat and is the head of a film's art department, which usually consists of an art director, costume designer, prop master, and a set decorator. The production designer of Heat was involved with a film almost from day one as he was working in close collaboration with the director and director of photography to make the Heat, look and feel by choosing the right shapes, compositions and colors for each shot. (newenglandfilm.com)

The Art Director

The Marjorie Stone McShirley was the Art Director of the movie. Art Directors act as project managers for the biggest department on any film. Marjorie Stone McShirley facilitates the production designer's of Heat in creative vision for all the sets and locations that in the long run give the film its unique identity. (media-match.com)

How does the lighting affect our emotional understanding of certain characters?

The lighting of Heat affect the emotional understanding of characters as they help in defining the roles of characters that cop and thief.

What sort of mood does the lighting evoke?

The lighting of Heat brings suspense in the mind and it also shows thrill in the movie.

How does lighting impact the overall story the filmmaker is attempting to tell?

In the movie, Al Pacino was similar to De Niro in several respects. Although his typical role was as a gangster or cop, but he acted beautifully as he utilized lighting of the scenes because he is very versatile actor. In the broad spectrum, Al Pacino is a personality star.

Explain what costuming can tell us about a character.

The costume analysis of the suit that Robert De Niro and Al Pacino wear all the way through shows the image evoked by the costume of Al Pacino was professionally organized criminal as he looks slick, smart, and unbeaten at what he does. The costumes or the suit that are use in the Movie for Robert De Niro and Al Pacino were from the period of 20th century.

In what ways can costuming be ...
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