Healthy Lifestyle

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Healthy life Style

Healthy life Style

Short Proposal


The background will deal with the main concerns related to healthy lifestyles. This entails discussing the finding of the previous studies dealing with physical activity, ways of achieving a healthy lifestyle, and managing stress to stay healthy. For instance, according to various studies exercise is the best possible way to maintain good health, both physical as well as mental. Physical activity is the key to a healthy life. It is not possible to avoid physical activity, as the body is purely meant to move and to when this does happen, the body becomes unhappy and ultimately ill. The research gap will also be identified in this section.

Purpose Statement

After identifying the research gap the purpose statement would deal with the objectives which the study aims to achieve.

General Research Questions

The general research questions will be formulated based on the problem identified.

Research Approach

The research approach will be qualitative, since achieving a healthy lifestyle is a topic on which detailed answers are required, which is not possible through quantitative research.

Ethical Issues

This portion of the paper will deal with the ethical issues which must be considered while conducting a qualitative research.


Survey approach will be used in this study. Respondents will be interviewed by the researcher for the purpose of data collection.


In most instances, people are always worried about their health, and try everything possible to stay in good health and adopting a lifestyle which promotes their aim of staying healthy. However, the main issue is what it means to have and live a healthy lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle is one which allows a person to have better reasons of enjoying life and living it to the fullest. Living a healthy life does not only mean to avoid ailments one after another and trying not to feel so bad as much as a person normally feels. It means to have a feeling of being well mentally, physically and socially, as well. It is about taking those decisions which allow a person to stay happy as long as he, or she wants to be. In a nutshell, living a healthy life style is the key to living a happy life. People make efforts to have such inner strength that their body will support them in their old age. Not only this, they also strive to have peace of mind and mental clarity, along with a good performance at their jobs, avoid distressing relationships and an overall feeling of well being. A number of researches and studies have identified various ways through which people can have a healthy life style. In particular, three specific ways have been identified as the most influential in maintaining a healthy life style.

According to various studies exercise is the best possible way to maintain good health, both physical as well as mental. Physical activity is the key to a healthy life. It is not possible to avoid physical activity, as the body is purely meant to move and to when this does happen, the body becomes unhappy ...
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