A comparative study of the healthcare systems of USA and Canada
A comparative study of the healthcare systems of USA and Canada
Context of the problem
Almost four decades ago, Canada and the United States were very similar health care system. Today, they are very different. Divergence Canadian system is predominantly publicly financed and privately delivered health care system has led to two systems, which differ not only in the completeness and universality of their insurance, but also differ in the hospital budget, physician reimbursement, medical malpractice, administrative costs and, possibly, the availability of resources.
These aspects of both health systems were tested and contrasted for many years. However, the more difficult aspect of these systems, which have not yet been fully or definitively assess whether the health of patients in both countries are the equivalent of the treatment, or similar procedures. Relatively few studies have been done to try to solve this problem. Those studies that have attempted to identify any differences in health status due to differences in health care systems have focused on a limited number of diagnoses, treatment or procedure.
Statement Of The Problem
A looming doctor shortage threatens to create a national healthcare crisis by further limiting access to doctors, jeopardizing quality and accelerating increased expenditures. United States Department of Health and Human Services (2005) published a report that warns of a doctor deficit in the US of 85,000 by 2020.
The aim of this project is to synthesize the research evidence regarding the relationship, if any, differences between Canada and the United States, health systems, health care and medical assistance, as well as to identify possible implications for future health programs and policies in the relevant Canadian context.
The specific objectives of the project are:
1. To determine the qualitative and / or quantitative differences in health status between comparable items from Canada and the United States, which have been adopted or proposed by the same health intervention or group activities.
2. Identification of factors specific to the study population, the organization of health care interventions and / or delivery of interventions that can change the health outcomes identified in objective 1.
Research Question
What features, if any, the Canadian healthcare system could be incorporated into the United States' healthcare system?
What are the main specific benefits to the American healthcare system?
What are the main specific benefits to the Canadian healthcare system?
What specific benefits of the Canadian healthcare system should be incorporated into the American healthcare system?
Significance of the study
One approach to summarizing the existing evidence regarding the effects of distinct health care systems on the health outcomes of Canadian and American citizens is to perform a systematic review. This approach uses explicit and reproducible methods for identifying and selecting studies, and assesses each eligible study with respect to the strength of evidence it contains. Information from each study is then extracted. Because of the rigorous, explicit and reproducible way in which the systematic review is conducted, it provides a reliable method for synthesizing research ...