Healthcare System

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Healthcare System

Healthcare System


Every country of the world formulates, develops, and maintains its own set of measures for catering its basic objectives of a health and medical care needs. The core objectives of the health care system include: keeping public healthy, and protecting people from ruining financially from medical and healthcare expenses. The countries with the best health care systems around the world are Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, France, and Japan. Every country strives to improve and enhance its healthcare system. Adequate health care system is the right of every citizen. In this research paper, we are going to discuss the health care system of Switzerland as model, and how can we implement that model in the United States. It is a popular debate these days that whether the United States should adopt the health care system model of Switzerland, or not (Drennen, 2010). Switzerland has one of the finest health and medical care system in the world. The healthcare system of Switzerland has influenced the health care system of various countries, and has inspired many countries to implement such health care system (Daley and Gubb, 2007).


The health care system of Switzerland support and maintain the principles of boundlessness, catholicity, cosmopolitanism, ecumenicalism, and equality by granting the rights to every individual to buy the health and medical insurance on the classified market (Daley and Gubb, 2007). It renders the financial support to the people with low incomes, and monitoring and governing the indemnity market, to safeguard and care for those who are with poor health conditions. The healthcare system of Switzerland is highly distributed, which means that the 26 Swiss regions are principally responsible for the stipulation of health and medical care. Health insurance organizations also function mainly on a district basis. In the meantime, the constitution controls the functions of national government to one largely of public health and rules.

Need for the US to Implement the Healthcare System Model that Mimics the Swiss Healthcare System

Many of the citizens of the United States have supposed that the healthcare system model of Switzerland must hand round as a model also for the United States. Since it is mandatory for the indemnity providers to provide coverage to every individual of the state without taking account their age or prior medical conditions, and it is mandatory for every citizen to buy the health premiums (Drennen, 2010).

Positive Aspects of the Healthcare System of Switzerland

The rationale for the health care system of Switzerland is the contention among eighty-four decidedly pace keeping health insurers of private sector. Certainly, the information that mutually liberals and traditionalists might find offensive rudiments to Switzerland is a considerable fraction of its petition. It attains the strategy precedence of liberals (global insurance; synchronized indemnity market) and of conservatives (less expenditure on health by government; healthcare administered by the private sector). Either party can attain success.

Switzerland's healthcare system has also administered to achieve global coverage. Health insurance is mandatory throughout the Swiss confederation and all citizens must purchase a basic ...
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