Healthcare Organization

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Healthcare Organization

Healthcare Organization


Developing a new business strategy has always been one of the main obsessions of most business in the health sector, especially if one talks about European markets, where the competition is fierce. In today's marketing environment, it has become essential for companies to identify the needs of customers and marketing research. This will help companies to identify the needs and wants of the customers. US Healthcare is the leading provider of private health care insurance and health care services in US. For capturing the market US Healthcare is focusing on marketing as they realize the importance of marketing and the impact of proper planning for the growth of the business. This will help the business to grow and flourish in the marketplace (Furman, 2008, 102).

Micro Environment Considerations

In order to achieve success, executing a segmentation strategy involves supporting the organisation to deliver well for each segment Key micro considerations are some major business issues which need to be considered because a proper investment is required for each segment. There are three ways through which market can be segmented that are:


Socioeconomic Characteristics


SWOT Analysis


Strengths are the key forces for a company as it identifies and help organizations to move towards the goals and objectives that were previously set by the management. It affects the overall efficiency of the organization. US Healthcare greatest strength is health care processes which they achieved.


In US Healthcare, there is no clear management styles, poor image, research and development issue, competitive disadvantage, poor track record, insider problems, financing problems and possible training problems by managers and supervisors for instance like the retail industry. (Ehrhardt and Brigham, 2008)


Health sector is expanding, so it provides an enormous amount of opportunities. These are factors or elements that the US Healthcare should concentrate on like they considered as the core factors. It guides US Healthcare Healthcare in moving towards the goals which ultimately affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. Expansion into India's health insurance market through JV Aging US population to boost demand for healthcare services


What makes an organization strong is to identify possible threats within its operational base. The threats to US Healthcare could be in the form of government policies, research, competitive pressures, and new entrants, changing the method of treatment, demographic changes, and recession (Kieso and Warfield, 2007, 1320). Non compliance of governmental regulations could affect group's business.

Macro-Environment Consideration

The natural surroundings we reside in be capable of being very unpredictable. All associations have interior flaws and power; however, the out-of-doors globe will furthermore have a foremost influence on the company's upcoming opportunities. The PEST analysis is well liked trading administration device and procedure of analyzing the numerous, distinct external components influencing an organization (Agrawal, 2000, 86).

PEST Analysis

Political Environment

The legal environment may be explained by all laws, regulations and product standards in the Health sector. Indeed, Healthcare services guided by clear procedures that define the regulatory and tax advantages for US ...
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