The main purpose of this paper is to create a health insurance program for retired people who had been working in the public sector. This health insurance program is designed for the retired people from public sector who had a high income in their work, but do not have anything when they get retired. In order to provide them proper health care facilities, this program is designed to cover their health through insurance, and provide them better and affordable health care facilities. This program is designed for the contry that does not provide healthcare facilities to its employees. The country selected in this healthcare program is Mexico.
The healthcare costs are rising with a great rate. The increased healthcare cost has made it difficult for the employers to provide the health care facilities to the employees, whether existing or retirees. The rate of the companies providing the healthcare coverage to the retirees is decreasing day by day (Smith, 2009). This rate has decreased from 66% to 29% from 1988 to 2009. There are many persons in Mexico who become disappointed because they do not get proper healthcare coverage from their organizations. Therefore, they become disappointed. Mostly, it happens with the people working in public organizations, which they receive high pay and facilities while their job life, but they become so helpless when they get retired. After getting retired, they do not have enough money and resources to make payment for their health problems because of the increasing health costs (Anselme, 2001). The trauma in their life is that all their savings disappear because of the medical expenses. The insurance premium is also increasing and the insurance companies are charging high prices for the insurance coverage.
Another factor to consider is whether the employer plan offers insurance options for the spouse, if pre-65. Proceed with caution: Even if pre-65 retirees are in good health, they may find that individual health policies are extremely expensive and/or difficult to get in certain parts of the country.
When evaluating employer-based coverage, older workers will want to consider the following:
The premiums may increase when the employee switches from active to retired status.
Premium rates will depend on whether the employee chooses individual coverage or the more expensive family coverage (spouse and dependents in addition to self). Understanding how the employer determines the employees' contribution rate can help in assessing this aspect (Smith, 2009).
Under the new health care reform law, young adults can stay on the parent's plan up to age 26.
The employer may have the right to change (or cancel) coverage at any time. Even those who already have health insurance in place will need to plan for other health-care related costs. These include certain cost-sharing and plan deductibles. However, certain provisions in the new health care law will help to keep personal health costs down.
Objective of the Program
The main objective of this insurance program is top design the care for the retired people from public sector. This program works to facilitate healthcare ...