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Healthcare Administration

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Healthcare Administration

Healthcare Administration

When we think of hospital staff, we often think of physicians, nurses, or other caregivers. These caregivers are only a part of the staff required to manage an efficient hospital. Behind the scenes there is hidden, incredibly important role in health services delivery - healthcare executive administration. Healthcare executives are responsible for providing the most basic of social services, the care of dependent people at one of the most vulnerable times in their lives. The goal of a healthcare executive is to make a positive difference in the lives of people and communities.

The environment of healthcare changes rapidly and continuously. It is an environment loaded with government regulations, massive rules, and complex structures. Healthcare encompasses many areas including acute care / hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, long-term care facilities, physicians offices, home health agencies, and managed care organizations. The most noteworthy of these are hospitals or acute care centers. Hospitals have become large, complex organizations. Technology has advanced at an almost unbelievable rate. The financing of healthcare has moved from self-pay to a complicated third-party reimbursement system. The number of uninsured patients is steadily increasing. The struggle to remain profitable is daunting. And government has taken an increasingly larger role in healthcare delivery. Surprisingly, healthcare remains a stable, growing industry and health services will continue to be in demand for a long time to come. Our population is steadily aging and life expectancies are progressively increasing due to medical and technological advancements.

The need for healthcare executives is also increasing. Healthcare executives are skilled, trained professionals who care about the quality of care patients receive. They team up with physicians, nurses, and other caregivers to provide patient care. Their ultimate goal is to help provide safe, comfortable and compassionate places for people to receive health services when needed. They ...
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