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Healthcare Comparison - Japan and USA

Healthcare Comparison - Japan and USA


The paper discusses about the healthcare provided to the elderly in Japan and the United States of America. It focuses on the comparison of the healthcare services being offered to people suffering from AIDS in the United States of America and Japan. In many health systems in America, Asia and Europe, is frequently used drugs plants and phytomedicines as an integral part of conventional medicine. The current condition of the health care system development elevates several ethical concerns regarding the accessibility of health care to all the American population. Sufficient availability of health care has achieved the interest of the United States government, specialized institutions and health care sources alike (American Nurses Association 2008).

The American Nurses' Association (ANA) recommends for transformation assuring that all the American elderly individuals who are suffering from AIDS will have accessibility to excellent health care system. Several specialized health care institutions believe that at present accessibility to health care is a principle concern, specially for the senior citizens (age 65 and above) (American Nurses Association 2008). There are fears that the American senior citizens may face hardships regarding the lack of accessibility of health care which are caused by the slumping reimbursement rates of the U.S. Medicare together with previously little reimbursements of the U.S. Medicaid (American Nurses Association 2008).


The elderly are an important part of society and should be given the importance that they tend to deserve. However, they are a group, sometimes unrecognized. On several occasions elderly are alone after their spouse's death because they are turned away by the children. They think that the parents are a burden and too difficult to carry or just frantic life and material values that we live does not give us a direct benefit and may slow down our forward motion life. In some societies that are less evolved, the elderly are revered and treated with respect while ours are often neglected or simply not heard. Moreover, a risk oriented group should have different agencies and institutions and individuals belonging to them, listen and understand their needs. The elderly age people live differently from others because of their tastes, interests, needs, feelings, and the view towards world view is dissimilar than young people.

AIDS primarily occurs in elderly; approximately 10% of adults over the age of 65, and almost half of those above the age of 85 have the disease. These abnormalities, as well as neuron loss, are observed in limbic structures such as hippocampus, amygdala, and nucleus basalis and in association cortices responsible for memory and other high-level cognitive processes, which are a result of the lack of defense system that AIDS deteriorates of the infected person. Care for the elderly requires a care giver who deals with the elderly, should have a medical education as it is mandatory. In some cases, care givers for elderly care are allowed without a medical education, if they comply with the entire doctor's ...
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