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Health Promotion Program for Older Adults

Health Promotion Program for Older Adults


The study is related to health promotion program that focuses on promoting optimal health for older adults. However, the major focus of the study is on aging and the problems related to older adults. Health promotion of elderly is the process of making possible for the people to increase control factor determinants of health and, consequently, to improve their health.


Health education for older adults is a complex activity oriented towards the promotion of behaviors that support health and well-being individually and collectively. Educating for health means to communicate information concerning the socio-economic and environmental implied that affect the health, other information concerning the elderly risk factors and risk behaviors, or use of the health care system (Eun, Hasegawa, Davies & Ikeda, 2006). Moreover, the purpose of the elderly health education can be summarized as follows:

Older adults should become aware of their own health; the purpose is to bring the understanding of health issue among older adults.

Older adults should achieve awareness of a certain issue or generally related to health, classifying what is really essential.

Older adults should promote social change; however, it is quite complex, but it is important that older adults should make healthy choices as it helps in resolving the health concern the through the changes of physical and social, older adults are given confidence to take on healthy attitudes.

Psychology can contribute to healthier aging. Actually, thinking about the promotion of healthy aging is quite broad. It is known that a healthy aging do not occur automatically as it is possible only under the light of a professional aspect, but from an interdisciplinary covering, beyond psychology, geriatrics, dentistry, physiotherapy, speech pathology, the law, occupational therapy, social work, pedagogy, architecture, among other areas of knowledge directly or indirectly related to the study of the aging process. Moreover, a person does not age, only when he or she makes sixty years (Lee, Fu & Chenyi, 2007). You should think about their own aging as early as possible, because our past actions have a direct influence on our aging process. For example, a person who is exposed to too much sun as a child will probably show signs of skin aging sooner that a person consciously controls his exposure to the sun. That is, think of healthy aging and prevention implies the adoption of healthy lifestyles throughout the life course. Furthermore, an important point to be considered is the promotion of healthy aging which is a concern not only for the elderly, but also for the family, society and government (Melville, Howat, Shilton & Weinstein, 2006).

Psychology as a science must act within a healthy aging, acting in the study of relevant topics, such as cognitive and behavioral, problem solving and practical intelligence, emotions, social relationships, personality, wisdom, creativity, addiction, and death finitude; quality of life, activity, violence, work and retirement, mental health, among other relevant topics. In this context, it becomes important, as touts the elderly statute, help eliminate ...
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