Health promotion is interlinked with the idea of delivering better healthcare options that are practical enough and attract the attention of the common man. Advanced Practice Nurses are Registered Nurses with specialty training at the master's-degree level, in primary care settings, such as the Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives and acute care of inpatients, such as the Clinical Nurse Specialists and in operating rooms, such as Nurse Anesthetists. This has opened a door in the nursing field. Nurses' roles are no longer limited. Nurses now have opportunities to advance their career and expand their roles. Advanced Practice Nurses can be more directly involved in patient care decisions and be more independent from the physician. Advanced Practice Nurses are respected role models for Registered Nurses. (Bunton & Macdonald, 2002) This health education is an important component of health promotion. It is aimed at the individual and can be approached in many ways. The nursing staff, dietician and diabetic nurse adopted a self-empowerment or humanistic approach which focused on Gill with the goal of improving her situation, they aimed to develop her motivation and self esteem, to re-establish healthy eating and help her to reach acceptance of her diabetes. It has been found that teaching the client treatment measures can help decrease their fear and anxiety of the unknown, and their sense of control over the situation. The goals should be patient centred, and the team should work in conjunction with the patient about what they want
What are Advanced Practice Nurses?
As defined by the American Nurses' Association Congress of Nursing Practice:
Nurses in advanced clinical nursing practice have a graduate degree in nursing. They conduct comprehensive health assessments and demonstrate a high level of autonomy and expert skill in the diagnosis and treatment of complex responses of individuals, families and communities to actual or potential health problems. They formulate clinical decisions to manage acute and chronic illness and promote wellness. Nurses in advanced clinical practice integrate education, research, management, leadership, and consultation into their clinical role. They function in collegial relationships with nursing peers, physicians, professionals, and others who influence the health environment..There are now approximately 100,000 Advanced-Practice Nurses, half of them Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives, and half Clinical Nurse Specialists". Although they are similar to the physician in making primary care decisions, Nurse Practitioners bring additional benefits to their practice. "Nurses are more ...