Health Of Houses

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Health of Houses

Health of Houses


The home's comfort goes beyond the familiar setting and facilities; for people who are suffering from disease or illness their home is the source of hope, inspiration and security, at the time when they are hard to preserve. However, a lot of effort and preparation is required to construct a safe sanctuary called home. The homes of recovering patients require alteration and trappings to the usual home setting which will assist creating it favorable to the vocation of the nurse as well as it will present patients with the added benefits. The recommendation presented by Florence Nightingale on the fundamental stages in creating habitat a pleasant space for care giving remains applicable in the present day.


Florence Nightingale, is considered a pioneer in the practice of nursing, she is considered the mother of modern nursing and creator of the first conceptual model of nursing. Stressed at a young age in math, and then applying their knowledge of statistics to epidemiology and health statistics. It was the first woman admitted to the British Royal Statistical Society (Stillwaggon, 2008, pp. 224), and honorary member of the American Statistical Association.

The fundamental objective of their model is vital to conserve energy of the patient and considering the action exerted by nature on individuals, placed in the best possible conditions for it to act on it. Her theory focused on the environment, she believed a healthy environment was necessary to apply a proper nursing care. She said there are five key points to ensure the safety of housing: clean air, pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness and light. Nightingale indicated the need for home care: nurses who provide services in home care should teach patients and their families to help themselves to maintain their independence. Their model considers nursing as a religious vocation for women only. Its strengths were education, experience and observation.

The practice of nursing involves the proper use of fresh air, light, warmth, cleanliness, tranquility, and the appropriate selection and administration of diets. Nursing, is both to help the patient suffering from an illness to live as put or keep the body healthy child or adult in a state that does not suffer disease. Florence rebelled against the prejudices of her era and against his fate of the woman who should stay home and chose the nursing profession, which until then had been discredited and was reserved for the poor. In 1853, following a recommendation of Secretary of War Sidney Herbert became superintendent by certain jobs you held against their inclinations to certain positions within the Institute for the Care of Sick gentlewoman (Shaddock, 1995, pp. 23).

Florence's greatest success was her participation in the Crimean War. Her report on the living conditions of wounded soldiers prompted Herbert to send in a Nightingale. On October 21, 1854 Florence Nightingale and a battalion comprised of 38 volunteer nurses was sent to Crimea. In Scutari, Nightingale and her co-workers renovated and cleaned the hospital, despite the reaction of doctors and officers, and brought down the ...
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