Health Care

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Health Care


The paper highlights the implications of sociological theories on the healthcare perspective. The research will find out the impact and discusses the differences and similarities of the sociological theories. It will further emphasize on the concept of theories affecting the approach to social change within the healthcare institutions. Finally the research answers the main concepts of conflict and functionalism in detail.


Thesis Statement

The Functionalism and Conflict theories of sociology have contributed significantly towards the improvement in healthcare


Health care provisions are essential for the survival and well-being of any society. In those societies where health care facilities are conveniently accessible to the common men, prosperity and harmony reigns supreme. The concept of health care integrated together. Social care aims to develop abilities in people through which they can lead normal, independent lives like others. This is especially for individuals who are mentally handicapped and require additional assistance in terms of physical and mental activities. The concepts of health care have been given much importance in the recent times (Linda, David and Caroline, 2010).

This paper will study in detail, the various aspects related to health care in the lives of human beings. The study aims to establish the criteria of promoting and implementing health and social care services in the society at acceptable levels. This paper will elaborate their role as contributors to the wellness of the society. The core purpose of this paper was to analyze and interpret different social conceptions in health care. Different theories of sociology were discussed in this paper with respect to healthcare; functionalism theory, conflict theory.

Theory Implications

Sociology is the science of society and interaction between individuals and society and their influence on society or social status. Functionalism in turn considers society as a set of interacting parts and that the malfunction of a part requires readjusting to the other. Throughout history, there have been many and varied views on these issues some of which I will mention in this work, such as the theory of Max Weber who argued that psychologists should not only observe but to interpret, given the subjective thoughts and feelings lead to actions, his theory was called rationalization, because it covered all aspects (cultural, social and political), arguing that a different healthcare organization could change the orientation of individuals toward a more rational and less traditional. Emile Durkheim believed that social ties maintained shared modern society together in his view the values of morality, and religion, shared and common values produce cohesive links that cause social order, and that mutual trust and interdependence create collective consciousness (John and Senga, 1994).


Functionalism is characterized by utilitarianism which supports the established order in society. It is a theoretical trend that emerged in England in 1930, in the social sciences, especially in sociology and social anthropology. According to functionalism society is comprised of different structural elements, each of these elements have their own functions. This statement can be analyzed on the basis of picture 1. In this picture, there are children that are trying ...
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