Health And Social Care

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Health and social care

Health and social care

1. Discuss about the cut back of the NHS in the united kingdom?

The National Health System (NHS) is responsible for British public health. Services provided include hospitals, doctors, specialists, dentists, pharmacists, opticians, and ambulances. UK has the best health care system. It provides the quality, efficiency, access to health services, gives healthy lifestyle.  More than 27,000 patients and physicians were surveyed. According to that research despite the achievements in the UK, there is much room for improvement. The medicines, sight tests, glasses, and dental treatments are subsidized. Hospitalization, ambulance services, and medical consultations are free (McNult, Ferlie, 2004, 65-72).

The National Health Service (NHS) has a strong focus on primary care General Practitioner (GP) or family doctor. Most health centres and Practices in the UK are owned by the GPs. Their income derived from providing services to the NHS. Each GP has a quota of 1500-2000 patients and patients often see a specialist if referred by a GP. The UK is a world leader in the provision of health services. However, in the recent times due to economic recession, NHS has decided to cut down its budget spent on health care and cut down the medicine and services provided to the patients. It may affect the health state of people in the country (King, Peterson, 2007, 58-62).

2. Who is responsible for primary health services, and secondary health services, explain each of them?

Primary Health Care services deal with the short term problems of the patient and support for an individual over the age of 17. There is no upper age limit for the services and the services include treatment for Anxeity, Depression, Stress and Copying with life events. These services are provided by three voluntary sector organization including - Touchstone, Leeds Counselling, and Community Links.

Secondary Care involves acute care, where patient is treated for longterm in order to solve the health care isuse. Different Trust organizations provide Secondary Health Care Services to the patients (Ferge, 1979, 52-71).

3. Discuss about the social care bill of the NHS and what it does in the united kingdom.

Social Care bill of the National Health Service (NHS) has a strong focus on primary care General Practitioner (GP) or family doctor. Most health centres and Practices in the UK are owned by the GPs. Their income are derived from providing services to the NHS. Each GP has a quota of 1500-2000 patients and patients often see a specialist if referred by a GP. The UK is a world leader in the provision of health services. Primary care has a central role within the NHS. In the late 90's, the government introduced a series of measures of quality governance to promote improvements in quality of care in family medicine. These measures were Clinical practice guidelines for the management of chronic diseases, mandatory clinical audit, record information about the quality of healthcare, and annually valuated the quality of healthcare. These measures generated significant improvements in the health care quality, especially in the chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. NHS is working nationally for ensuring the NHS patients' records will be kept in future in an electronic format. The distinctive identifier for all the health care records ...
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