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Hamlet today


In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the death of a character becomes a common event. Although many people lose their lives as a result of their own self-centered wrong-doing, there are others whose death is a result of manipulation from the royalty. This is the case of Polonius' family. The genuine tragedy of Hamlet is not that of Hamlet or his family but of Polonius' family because their deaths were not the outcome of sinful activities of their own but rather by their blameless engagement in the schemes of Claudius and Hamlet.

The first feature to die in Hamlet is Polonius. Although Polonius often actions in a deceitful manner when dealing with Hamlet, it is only because he is bearing out plans developed by the king or ruler to find out the nature of Hamlet's madness. Being the king's Lord Chamberlain, it is his obligation to comply the monarch and queen's wishes and it is this commitment that finally verifies to be fatal for him. An example of hoe Polonius' blameless involvement with the royalty outcomes in his death can be discovered at the beginning of proceed III, view iv, when Hamlet stabs him while he is concealing behind the arras in Gertude's room. This displays how Polonius, a man unaware of the true environment of the position he is in, is slain by a member of the royalty throughout the execution of one of their schemes. This makes Polonius' death a tragedy.

The next constituent of Polonius' family to pass away is his female child Ophelia. Ophelia's death is tragic because of her complete innocence in the situation. Some may contend that Polonius warrants his destiny because of his deceitfulness in considering with Hamlet while he is mad, but Ophelia is entirely manipulated and utilized by Hamlet and the king for their own self-centered reasons. An example of how Ophelia is used by Hamlet takes location in precede II, view I, when Hamlet benefits her to assure his family he is mad. Ophelia interprets to Polonius how Hamlet has scared her, causing Polonius to draw the conclusion that Hamlet has an 'antic disposition'. Although this is the subject to understanding and many believe that this is easily Hamlet taking one last look at Ophelia before he becomes committed in his design to kill Claudius, the detail that he scares her and does not try to alleviate these doubts points to the deduction that he is easily utilizing her to help phrase of his madness disperse all through the kingdom by Polonius. In proceed III, scene iv, Hamlet kills Polonius while he is hiding behind the arras in the Queen's room. This happening causes Ophelia to become insane and directs to her eventual death in a river beside the palace in proceed IV, view vii. It can be seen how the blended scheming of Hamlet's scheme which brings about the death of Polonius which leads to Ophelia's death. The transient of Ophelia is a tragedy because she does nothing warranting of death, she ...
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