Gun Control

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Gun Control


Gun control or gun control is the restriction of development, testing, manufacture, deployment, proliferation or use of weapons. These restrictions can happen both domestically and internationally, through agreements between countries.

Gun control may refer to:

Control over civilian possession of weapons.

Control over a country's arms production.

Control over the production of certain types of weapons.

International non-proliferation agreements.

Arms control has existed in varying degrees throughout the history of civilizations and the time of Emperor Diocletian in the third century AD, all weapons of the Roman Empire were manufactured in fabricate calls under control of the praetorian prefects . The workers in these factories were the treatment of soldiers, and were marked to facilitate identification in case of a possible leak.

In many cases, restrictions on civilian possession of weapons have been used to control any uprising of the oppressed classes. In the twelfth century sought to prohibit the use of cross bows, because its management did not need much training, which causes a person with little education in the war could kill a knight.

This is the argument put forward by certain groups of opinion, as the National Rifle Association and other associations of ideology predominantly liberal or neoliberal, who advocate the abolition of gun control in the civilian population, arguing that, historically, the limitation to carry weapons by the civilian population has been large preface social or ethnic killings, although most advanced societies, especially in Europe, this control is generally accepted as beneficial. At present, Japan is one of the most restrictive gun control in the population, and the United States one of the least.

International Non-Proliferation Agreements

From today's perspective, and following the emergence of nuclear weapons , the goal of "arms control" has focused primarily on non-proliferation treaties, as Herman Kahn , the goal of arms control is "to improve stability inherent in the situation, reduce the chances or the proximate causes of war within the system, and reduce the destructiveness and futility of any war other currently can happen, " although other authors assume that their main objective was to reduce the skyrocketing military spending during the Cold War (Bruce, 62) .

In the contemporary age, gun control makes its appearance significantly in the diplomatic world during the first Hague Convention in 1899. The Washington Naval Conference to be reconciled between 1921 and 1922, in addition to the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, were broken without much fear of a possible sanction.

The emergence of nuclear weapons has promoted treated harsher gun control: in 1961 the UN adopted a resolution to refrain from transferring nuclear weapons or technology, and the treaties agreed by the United States and the Soviet Union to control the spread of nuclear weapons during the Cold War were taken more seriously. In 1968 the two superpowers and Britain sponsored the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty , which committed the countries members not to promote or increase the spread of weapons to nuclear nations have not possessed, although neither France nor China , both possessing nuclear arsenal, have signed this treaty.

Restriction agreements and arms control have continued to happen: Talks on Strategic Arms Limitation (SALT) and the ballistic missile treaty (ABM) were signed by the two superpowers in the 70's. At the same decade signed the Threshold Test Ban Treaty or Treaty of Nuclear Explosions in peacetime. " In 1987, the "Center of Nuclear Risk Reduction" (Nuclear Risk Reduction Center, or NRRC) between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union was presented (Kleck, 33).

United States Legislation

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