Gun Control

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Gun Control

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The paper focuses on the model of policy for gun controlling in the United States of America. The main focus of the paper is on the crimes rate due to the rise in usage of guns. Here the advisor to the president of the United States of America is recommending that persistent possession and use of illegal guns and other similar weapons by the individuals, has done no good.

Gun Control


Most violent crimes commit with non-registered guns by people without permits. As of 1998, only one instance of a shooting reports where a permit holder shot someone following an accident, the permit holder was not charged, as it was ruled to be self-defense (Cottrol, 1994). Through the use of background checks and registration of lawful weapons, we are able to regulate the legally obtained weapons, but you still have no way to stop illegally obtained weapons. Registered gun owners are not responsible for police deaths or injuries. As of 1998, a registered permit holder of a firearm has never shot a police officer. They must be of legal age, have no criminal background and that they have completed a gun safety course. As of 1998, of the 50 states, 31 have right to carry laws and these states contain 50% of the U.S population. There have been several reports that authorized permit holders have helped or protected an officer's life (Kennett, 1975).

The right legally own a firearm is the constitutional right of every law abiding citizen. It has been proven time and time again that ownership of firearms can deter crimes. At the same time, gun control, if enforced, will increase crimes against the victims. There have been several campaigns by groups to enforce gun control, which present death statistics in countries which have enforced these restrictions. There is no better deterrent to crime than the thought that the subject of the crime may possess a weapon. 

Model of Policy

As the president's advisor, I would recommend that persistent possession and use of illegal guns and other similar weapons by the individuals, has done no service to the great nation. In fact, the prevailing situation has tarnished the image of American society and the American people on the whole. The legislations are in place, but they are not being implemented to get the desired results. It is the high time to take concrete steps and implement strict laws and policies. This will root out the issue and provide an opportunity to the people of America to lead a peaceful life (Marion & Oliver, 2012).

Importance of Gun Control and Gun Violence

It is due to increase in crime rates in the Western world; the gun violence has gained an international exposure. Thus, the governments are forced to implement legislations focusing on the control of guns and other weapons used in crimes. A comparative study of 13 countries, which was conducted by a team of researchers, showed that the crime rates in these countries have steadily increased during the past five years. Legislation against gun violence in United States has had a positive impact on the control of violence and the ...
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