Guerrilla Warfare

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Guerrilla Warfare

Guerrilla Warfare

Thesis Statement

Modern history has witnessed newer and more innovative fighting tactics, both at national and international level. Even in the absence of latest and sophisticated machinery, there are still ways and tactics that could be employed by a relatively smaller group against and well-equipped army. One of the most famous strategies has been Guerrilla Warfare. Fighters familiar with local tactics and guerrilla war have time and again given a hard time to organized armies as evident from many recent conflicts.


Guerrilla warfare is a term borrowed from the Spanish used to describe the fighting units of mobile and flexible practicing a war of harassment, ambush, raids conducted by regular units or troops of supporters with no front line. The tactics of guerrilla warfare is one of the oldest forms of asymmetric warfare of the weak to strong with military targets in military jargon , unlike the terrorism they do not target civilians. (Hecker & Thomas 2009) The asymmetric war is always that of the weak against the strong, unlike the asymmetrical war, with targets collateral weak and helpless, like son for the father, the civilian population and the institution for the authority challenged his forces police and military.


Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war since its inception in modern Spain the fight against the Napoleonic invasion. Then his surgical exceeds the boundaries of a conventional war of territorial conquest to enter the political entity itself (Chaliand 2006).

The Second World War to the present, illustrative examples are numerous. The history of the Vietnamese People's Army is an emblematic illustration of this conception of the guerrillas as political warfare, from birth with the "Army Brigade Propaganda" to the heavy divisions of the major battles militia supported by the local peasant's weapons that form the basis of regional troops. Guerrilla ...
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