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Groupthink in the Socio-cultural Tradition

Groupthink in the Socio-cultural Tradition


Groupthink occurs when individuals in a group do not evaluate different alternatives when making a decision. It is done by group members in order to maintain the group harmony and avoid conflict. The antecedents of groupthink involve group cohesiveness, situational context, and structural faults.

There are several negative outcomes which are associated with groupthink. These negative consequences include loss of creativity. The phenomenon of groupthink has a negative impact on independent thinking.

This paper will study the antecedents of groupthink process and the use of restricted and elaborated codes in a group. This study also aims to evaluate the Jesus Christ documentary in terms of the groupthink phenomenon and restricted and elaborated codes.

Theoretical Background

Groupthink can be defined as a psychological phenomenon. It is a process that takes place within groups of people. Groupthink is a manner of thoughts that occur when the yearning for agreement in a decision-making group supersedes a practical assessment of alternatives. This phenomenon often occurs in a situation when group members attempt to minimize their conflicts and try to arrive at an agreement. In order to reach a decision which does not result in conflicts, group members do not evaluate their alternatives critically. There are diverse factors that are associated with the phenomenon of groupthink. Some of these factors include viscidness and the situational context (Walsh, 1989).

The theory that applies to group think includes Irving Janis' group think theory. According to this theory, the groupthink process melts down the critical thinking of individuals. The theory presented by Janis' can be divided into different components. These factors are helpful in understanding the impact of internal and external events on people.

Janis set the groundwork for the learning of groupthink. He started his research with his the American Soldier Project. In this project, he discovered and identified the consequences of tremendous pressure on the cohesiveness of a group. This study also developed his interest in different situations in which people make decisions under external threats (Ozeren et al, 2007).


Tenets or Concepts of Groupthink

The basic tenet of groupthink is related to group cohesion. According to this tenet, too much cohesion in a group can result in negatives outcomes. The central tenet of the groupthink phenomenon entails that groups look for agreement and harmony. In order to maintain the harmony, they make several sacrifices. The groups are likely to ignore alternatives that result in conflicts. When all viable alternatives are not analyzed, the group reaches an unsuitable decision.

There are diverse social and cultural aspects that can affect the groupthink process. Groupthink often takes place in a socio-cultural environment where the culture and society has a dominant role. Due to different traditions, people make certain decisions that they think are right for them. In these socio-cultural settings, people do not challenge their group members by giving and emphasizing their ideas. Most of the times, there is a key central figure who is authorized to make a ...
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