Effective Group Communication and Group Communication Process
Effective Group Communication and Group Communication Process
Effective communication plays a key role in the success of human relations in various spheres of life. It therefore must be skilled workers in non-governmental organizations to acquire and apply, so that they can achieve their tasks. Characterized by effective communication and perception and awareness, and the ability to communicate the idea to the other side, and the achievement of goals.
Group Communication
We run the risk of being wrong in wanting to define the communication as such, since there is a variety of studies and theories on it. Here, we do not intend to make an exhaustive study (Dillard, 2000). Usually means a communication:
To share something with others.
Discover or demonstrate something to someone
Talk, deal with any word or deed.
Consult with other a question.
Express one's thoughts and feelings.
Not only the word and image, but all human behavior becomes a sign of communication and has value of message activity and inactivity, words, gestures and the same silence. Therefore, communication is the way of dressing, eating, sitting, and talking on how to structure a celebration, a greeting or a farewell (Dillard, 2000).
Communication between people is often almost impossible. The error is in how we say our ideas. Often accused, attacked, fight, do not ask the causes of some behavior, but we have a preset idea and talk about it. We must learn to communicate.
It is very important to open up to others to meet and get to know us. If we do, we cannot know the wealth that lies within each one; lack of communication leads to many problems.
The Process of Communication in a Group
Communication is a phenomenon inherent in the group relationship of living things by which they obtain information about their environment and other environments and are able to share it by involving other such information. Communication is of utmost importance for the survival of gregarious species because the information it obtains from its environment and its ability to transmit messages will take advantage of herding lifestyle (Seiler, 2008).
Etymologically, the word communication comes from the Latin "informs", which translates to "pooling, sharing something." It is considered a polymeric category as its exclusive use is not a science office in particular, with its own connotations of science concerned social.
Elements of the Process of Communication Group
The elements of group communication are source, transmitter or encoder, code (rules of the sign, symbol), the primary message (under a code), receiver or cable box, channel, noise (barriers or interference) and the feedback or feedback (feed-back, return message or post secondary).
Source: The place from which emanates the information, data, content to be sent, in conclusion, that gives rise to the primary message.
Transmitter or encoder: is the point (person, organization ...) to choose and select the signs appropriate for their message, i.e. the encoding take so understandable to the receiver. On the transmitter starts the communication process (Verderber, 2005).
Receiver or Decoder: This is the point (person, organization), which ...