Greenhouse Effects

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Impact Of Energy Use On Increasing Concentrations Of Greenhouse Gases

Impact of energy use on increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases


When the word Greenhouse is mentioned, what is the image that comes to mind? For some, a garden greenhouse full of striving plants, while others relate the word with the natural of the process that occurs in the earth's atmosphere known as "The Greenhouse Effect". The greenhouse effect, provides the inhabitants of this planet with a comfortable environment by aiding in heating system the Earth's surface and air, it is a key component to life on soil, without it the soil would be far too cold for most life to extend living. Although the process is complicated, its principle is not hard to understand.

It works as follows;-

Earth's atmosphere acts like a greenhouse, warming our planet just like an ordinary greenhouse in the garden warms the air inside its glass walls. Instead of glass, the gases in the atmosphere let in solar energy in the form of short-wave, infra-red radiation yet prevents the re-radiated long-wave radiation out.

This report will strive to explain in a little more detail the specifics of "The greenhouse Effect" and outline issues occurring as a result.

This illustration shows how the glass in a normal Greenhouse acts in much the same way as gases in the air.

The Earth's atmosphere, defined as a blanket of gases enveloping the planet held by the gravitational force of the earth, stretches for 560 kilometres from the surface of Earth and like the planet itself, consists of several different layers. Without the air, the greenhouse gas

The lowest level of the atmosphere - the troposphere- is approximately 14.5 kilometres high from the surface of the earth. Within this layer of our atmosphere, undergo many chemical and physical changes, many of which help determine and is responsible for Earths weather and temperature.

Within the troposphere level, the significant and complex method known as "The Greenhouse Effect" takes place.  Our life takes place in the troposphere, which comes to from the Earth's exterior to the peak of the clouds.

As the Sun and the energy it emits is a big part in the process of the Greenhouse Effect, to understand the process accurately, one must understand the properties of electromagnetic radiation.


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Greenhouse Effect

As the energy from the sun reaches earth atmosphere, additional processes diffuse a lot of the energy that tries to reach earth, for example; the ozone layer reduces UV radiation, as well as reflection from the atmosphere. As a percentage, only about nine percent of incoming sunlight reaching the surface is ultraviolet, and the rest is a combination between visible and infrared energy.

From 100% of incoming solar radiation:

20 % is absorbed by the clouds and atmosphere

25% is reflected by clouds and atmosphere

5% is reflected by the Earth's surface

50% is absorbed by the Earth's surface

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