The climatic change and green energy initiatives, during which the companies are investing in a number of energy projects, some of them are rather eccentric and risky, others more pragmatic. Urban agriculture can be encouraged through composition of organic waste. It will create a healthy lifestyle. In urban areas, food miles have been reduced to a minimum. The application of sustainable organic method could result in several benefits.
However, on the other hand, in different countries, policies have been devised to promote green roofs. In additions, there are some countries that provide incentives on the development of green roofs. The awareness of individuals regarding the importance of environmental protection is increasing. The awareness of individuals is contributing towards the desire of better living individuals. The policy makers and the enforcement agencies tend to make it easier for a number of individuals are demanding sustainable building practices. Global warming has also played an important part in making the countries realise the importance of alternative energy sources. This so-called energy crisis has affected the developed and the under-developed countries as a whole. Under-developed countries have been hit the hardest due to unavailability of infrastructure and policies to regulate the generation, supply, and consumption of energy. Keeping in view the importance of energy, the developed nations, particularly the United States of America the government has framed the Green revolution policy (Dahlberg, 1979).
The next step after the implementation of policy involves evaluation and feedback. There are diverse problems that arise after the implementation of policies. The step of evaluation and feedback involves solving those problems. The most important aspect of policy making in public administration includes leadership and accountability. The representatives of public administration include the cabinet and individual ministers.
The issues that emerge are not only disastrous in ...