With concerns about the long-term viability of the environment looming, public and private organizations have recognized the need to incorporate green methodologies into their business practices. The U.S. Government in particular has taken impressive strides to become more environmentally conscious. These efforts are especially evident with respect to the buildings that it owns and occupies. However, the Government must take further strides to reduce the startling environmental impact attributable to these buildings. In the United States alone, buildings account for the consumption of sixty-eight percent of all electricity consumed, thirty-eight percent of carbon dioxide emissions, and twelve percent of water usage. Accordingly, as an influential global leader with the ability to promote worldwide environmental consciousness, the U.S. Government must make a concerted effort to reduce domestic building consumption.
Tourism is commonly recognized as one of the world's largest industries and continues to expand at a rapid rate (UNWTO 2006). Tourism development has been a profitable economic tool, making it an alluring industry and form of development for many countries and regions around the world. However, the benefits are also often accompanied by many negative effects that result in impacts, both of an environmental and social nature (leakage, noise, air and water pollution, degradation of natural resources, labour issues, encroachment and overbuilding. In 2006, the Canadian tourism industry accounted for two percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or $27.4 billion and 633,600 jobs (Canadian Tourism Commission 2008). These figures do not account for the indirect economic benefits that tourism has on the Canadian economy. The tourist hotel industry in Canada contributes significantly to these figures. As of 2004, there were 15,613 hotels in Canada with operating revenues of over Canadian $13 billion. This industry in Canada is significant, not only in terms of its positive economic impacts, but also in regards to its negative environmental and social impacts. The development and long term success of the tourism industry worldwide depends on a constant availability of natural and cultural resources. The appeal of a destination is based on the natural beauty and authenticity of these resources, yet these resources are also what is affected most by overexploitation and degradatio. As tourism is a resource intensive industry, this has resulted in a significant ecological footprint (Bohdanowicz 2005). Given tourism's significance to global and local economies and its impact on the natural environment, the need to implement environmental practices has come to the forefront of global issues. The business case for going green, or in other words being more committed to the environment, in ...