Greek Mythology

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Greek mythology

Greek mythology


Greek mythology is the basis of many fantastic adventures and epics that became true Greek myths. The truth is that ancient Greece with its gods and goddesses, legends in history, religion and advanced society always fascinated many. Many are those who spend their lives studying the political and religious institutions of ancient Greece with the hope to help unravel this mystery any more fantastic civilization (Powell, 2001).

Understanding the Greek Mythology

The ancient Greeks saw life in almost everything around them, and sought explanations for everything. The fertile imagination of this people created characters and mythological figures of the most diverse. Heroes, gods, nymphs, centaurs and Titans inhabited the material world, influencing their lives. It was enough to read the signs of nature, to achieve their goals. The Pythia, priestess of species was an important character in this context. The Greeks consulted their oracles in to learn about things that were happening and also about the future. Almost always, the Pythia sought mythological explanations for these events. Please a deity was a fundamental condition to achieve good results in material life. A worker trade, for example, should leave the god Hermes always pleased to get good results in their work (Pinsent, 1983).

The Court of Zeus

The court of Zeus was formed by eleven other gods, his brothers, his wife and their children, as seen in the table below:

The Twelve Olympian Gods

Greek name

Latin name




He was the lord of heaven, the god of clouds and rain, and had within his biggest weapon. However, it was not omnipotent. It was possible to oppose him or trick him.



Brother of Zeus was the lord of the seas and took second place in the hierarchy of Olympus.



Sister and wife of Zeus. He was the protector of marriage. Very jealous, revenge is always the constant husband's adulterous relationships.



Ruled the underworld, where the dead lived: Tartarus, where the villains were punished, the Elysium, where the heroes were rewarded.

Pallas Athena


Generated from the head of Zeus, was his favorite daughter and the goddess of wisdom.



Son of Zeus and Leto, was identified with the sun and considered the god of music and healing - that arts taught men



Twin sister of Apollo, was the goddess of hunting and chastity.



Goddess of love and beauty that seduced all, they were Gods or mere mortals.



Son of Zeus and messenger of the gods, which was the most clever or cunning. Therefore, protecting merchants and thieves.



Son of Zeus and Hera is the god of War, considered by Homer, "the curse of mortals."



God of fire, blacksmith and craftsman, which made the utensils and weapons of gods and heroes.



It was the symbol of the home and was worshiped by the Romans more than the Greeks.

Greek heritage

If we can understand the importance of Greek heritage to our contemporary civilization - that is about 3000 years away from it - it's not hard to imagine the influence that the Greeks exercised in the civilizations they were closer in time. This is the case of the Romans, for example, that ruled Greece politically and ...
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