Government Monitoring The Public - Right Or Wrong

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Government Monitoring the Public - Right or Wrong

Government Monitoring the Public - Right or Wrong


The government monitoring is right at some place but also it has some negative aspects of violating public privacy. There is a much defined law about the preservation of public privacy. But on the contrary, there is a very clear definition of liberty in the constitution of America. It defines that whenever the rights of people to be safe and secure they come under the category of liberalized people. The government monitoring has been a hot debate in the country as it the views prevailing about this reality is mixed. There are some negative as well as some positive aspects of government monitoring but the positive aspects of government monitoring are having more weight due to the current vulnerable conditions.


There are two views prevailing in the society on the government monitoring on public. First one is the purpose of monitoring the public for their safety and second one is that it is violating the public right of preserving their privacy. There is a very thin line between monitoring the public for their security, and going into the private activities of people which is very much irritating to those who don't like to invade their privacy at any const. The State must not be able to disobey United States of America's rights for citizen by over lapping their privacy. In the Constitution of United States of America, it is clearly explained that the security of the privacy of public must be kept at high regard. In the constitution, this is regarded as the sign of liberty and freedom and gives confidence among the whole nation. The most noticeable word among all the nations is liberty. The real meaning of liberty is the right of the public to be safe in their surroundings and wherever they move from one place to another in their country. According to 5th amendment, it is clearly explained that the original meaning of liberty is the right of public to be safe and sound in their houses and offices. This is not a justification for unreasonable searches and peeping in to the private activities of people without their permission. The right of public privacy for people is preserved at its respected place. There is not any justification of violating public privacy for the purpose of providing security.

Negative aspect of government monitoring

There are many negative aspects of government monitoring on the society as there is an open violation of public privacy right given by the constitution. In airports, washrooms of shopping plazas and other areas privacy of public is totally violated. It is a natural phenomenon that there are certain activities which are not shown to everyone and people often hesitate in exposing their activities to other people, even to the government official. According to 5th amendment, the people of United States have been granted full fledge right to keep their privacy preserve but due to strict and vigilant government monitoring these rights have ...
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