The governments in general, are the authorities who manage and control state institutions which are driving policy or general exercise of power of the State. Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. It can be reviewed by different perspectives. There is a mental health, which is characterized by balancing a person's mental state and self-acceptance.
The Government's mission is to create a system of social protection for self and families living in the state, secure long-term self-sustainable, high quality without corruption. It is the priority of government to ensure the health, education, credit, property, pension, and housing in its state.
The term Utopia is a Greek word termed by Thomas More in 1516 to describe the ideal society that he described in his work “The Utopia”. Utopia is a mixture of Greek words and is a representation of an ideal reality and perfect state. It is a kind of story that reflected in the writings about a perfect political system, a perfect society or a community of people living happily and in harmony. Often written to criticize the abuses and injustices of their time, the utopians are generally written in their imaginary places by the author Thomas More.
In a novel, author has created the action in an imaginary world which is a remote, legendary and an unknown island because they were faced with the threat of political or religious censorship. is the first great idealist of Western thought. One can indeed bring utopia (in the modern sense took that word) the concept of the idea of Plato. The thought of Plato is exposed in the classic work the Republic, whose very title is a program. In Republic, Plato intends Politeia, that is to say, state, constitution.
Plato would therefore outline of what should be a city ideally organized by caste. This willingness of the author to have a city that is ideal for Plato the great founder of the concept of idea, which was subsequently taken by the utopians of the nineteenth century. It is very important to note that even if Plato thought about economic issues, his thinking was not as talented on the subject as his successor Aristotle, who wrote a book dedicated to the economy. The first book of Utopia reports a conversation between the narrator and several characters , including Raphael Hythlodaeus a navigator who discovered the island of Utopia. The discussion focuses on the injustices and failures of society, injustices that Raphael Hythlodaeus between the wise customs of the country of which he made the discovery. The second book relates the description of Utopia by Hythlodaeus. This description is quite detailed, covers the laws, customs, history, architecture and the economics of the island.
Utopian society is fundamentally egalitarian and ignores any private property. It is also based on a set of laws and a very rational and precise organization. It is presented as the most accomplished civilizations.
The book was translated into French as well because ...