Government Agency

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Government Agency

Government Agency


A government agency is basically a permanent or semi permanent organization within the government system which is responsible for some specific functions within of the government. The functions of a government agency are distinct and generally executive in nature because these organizations are basically used for advisory purposes. There are various government agencies that are operating in different countries. The government agency which I selected is Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, which is one of the government agencies operating in Australia.

The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities was established on 14th September, 2010. This department was formerly known as the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. This department was established during the term of Julia Gillard, who was the Prime Minister of Australia at that time. There are some significant objectives of this department which define the cause of its existence. These objectives include:

Ensuring that Australia benefits from related and meteorological sciences and services.

Conservation and protection of the environment.

Advancing Australia's interests in Antarctica.

This government agency of the Australia is responsible for developing and implementing programs, policies and legislations to conserve and protect Australia's heritage and environment. This government agency is considered very important for Australia as it is responsible for performing various responsible activities for the Australian government.

How are ideas and information communicated within a government agency?

It is very important for a government organization to follow an effective method of communication information and ideas within the government agency. The role of government agencies is very important in the government and national context so there should definitely be a concept of effective communication to decrease deficiencies in the system. In a government agency, the processes of downward and upward communication prevails which makes the process of communication more effective as it becomes a two way communication process. Ideas and information are communicated by the senior management and in return, feedback about the performed operations is given back (Guffey, 2000).

There are particular systems in the organization which allow the department officers and staff members to communicate the ideas and information to enhance the organizational operations of the agency. Some of the significant systems that prevail in a government agency for the communication of information and ideas include scheduled one-on-one meetings, scheduled group meetings, staff briefings, informal social gatherings, newsletters, team lunches and other activities. Formal and informal communication is noticed in government agencies as it enhances the functions if the agency and increases the efficiency of the organization.

How are activities planned and organised within a government agency?

The activities of government agencies are complex and are related to the government and national interests of the country. Adequate planning and is required for organizing these activities to bring positive outcomes and achieve the desired objectives of the agency. The steps which a government agency may follow in planning and organizing activities within the organization are discussed as follows.

Identifying the scope and objectives of each activity included in the planning ...
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