Review the processes necessary to ensure good practice when preparing and writing an assignment, including how to avoid unfair practice.
Table of Contents
Main Body1
Good Assignment Writing Practices2
1.Pre writing2
3.Reviewing and Editing3
Unfair Practices4
4.Double Submission5
Avoiding Unfair Practices5
Critical Analysis5
Review the processes necessary to ensure good practice when preparing and writing an assignment, including how to avoid unfair practice.
Writing an assignment can at times be the most difficult task due to various reasons. Sometimes the student may not be clear on the topic or the instructor has not clearly defined what she or he wants or maybe because the student does not know how he or she should organize his assignment. The instructor should also make sure that all the details required by him are communicated to the student so that he works accordingly. After the details are communicated, it is the job of the student to start his assignment accordingly and work on the specified topic in such a manner that he fulfils all the requirements of his instructor (Smith, 2011, p. 97). The student should follow a given writing practice when working on an assignment.
Main Body
The process of writing a proper assignment includes following the actual writing process and avoiding unfair means. Students tend to use the unfair means and avoid the good writing process in order to save time and hard work. They may succeed in their academic life with this, but it surely will harm them in the long run, and they will regret later. It is in the interest of the students to write assignments appropriately and avoid using unfair means.
Good Assignment Writing Practices
Writing a proper assignment starts with a clear goal which should be communicated by the instructor to the students. By complying to the below mentioned steps, a student can quite easily ensure good practices of writing an assignment (Throckmorton, 2007, p. 50)
1.Pre writing
A very important part while starting to write an assignment is pre-writing. Pre writing includes brain- storming ideas, searching for the relevant material, either on the Internet or relevant magazines and journals (Hatcher,, 2011, p. 24). This will help the student in generating ideas for the given topic, create an outline and will also guide him on how to go about the topic. Pre writing phase is the basic phase and the most important as it lays the foundation of the assignment. The pre-writing phase helps a lot in generating and forming ideas and once you have jotted down all the ideas, writing an assignment will not be that difficult.
This is the phase in which students face problems, but when the student has gone through the phase of pre-writing; he or she will not face much difficulty in actually writing the assignment. All he or she has to do is to write according to ideas and stick to the topic. Students find it difficult to stay focused on the topic, and this is the main reason why their instructors do not like their assignments. Students deviate from the topic quite easily which makes the ...