Golden Hour In The Treatment Of Heart Attack

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Golden Hour in the Treatment of Heart Attack

[Name of InstituteGolden Hour in the Treatment of Heart Attack


The aim of this study is to grow the boundaries of our knowledge regarding facts and figures about the golden hour in the treatment of heart attack. Moreover, this study explores the ways to provide first aid to the patient of heart attack before hospitalization. Heart attack is an acute and life-threatening event due to an illness of the heart. One in human medicine the common abbreviation of heart attack is AMI (acute myocardial infarction). It is a death or infarction of parts of the heart muscle (myocardium) due to a circulatory disorder (ischemia), which is usually longer than 20 minutes, in most cases by blood clot in an arteriosclerotic changes constriction one coronary vessel (Sutton & Keane, 2007).


The most common of diseases that has existed over decades is the heart attack.  It is defined as the event where one or more vessels of the heart experience blockage due to the halt of blood flow to or from this vessel, spanning over a long-term period. The most adverse of cases regards that although the individual not only makes way to challenge and establish the problems that have been done and dusted regards the challenges and the problems established that not only make way for the problems and situations to occur, but also causes the human heart to be severally damaged, or even die in chronic conditions and situations (Sermesant, et al., 2005, Sutton).


Symptom of heart attack is a sudden onset, and lasting more than 20 minutes most severe pain in the chest, in the shoulders, arms, jaw and upper abdomen may radiate. He is often accompanied by sweating, nausea and possibly vomiting. However, in about 25% of all heart attacks occur with little or no discomfort. Unlike the angina attack, which occurs only temporarily for a few seconds to several minutes, when it comes to heart attacks always complete, irreversible tissue destruction of part of the heart muscle (Sutton & Keane, 2007).

While there are evident signs that could lead to the heart attack, some symptoms and signs might not become immediately legible and visible to the human eye. Since the heart attack could occur when least expected, one must look out for the basic signs mentioned below:

Bad Indigestion;

A tightening around the chest;

Heavy Pressure; or even, in certain cases

Breathing problems and hyperventilation. 

Apart from the symptoms that have been occurred, one also needs to view and analyze the patterns due to which a heart attack might be anticipated.  Amongst the common symptoms to look out for are given below:



Nausea or Vomiting;


Shortness of breath; and even


In the acute phase of myocardial infarction occur frequently dangerous arrhythmias on. Even smaller infarcts often lead over fibrillation for sudden cardiac death, 30% of all heart attack deaths occur before the laity any help or medical therapy (McMillan, 2008).

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