Globalization Effects

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Globalization Effects

Globalization Effects


In this paper, we are discussing the question, “How does globalization affect me?”Globalization can be defined as the process of diffusion of capital, goods, services, people and technology. It has a significant influence on us. Globalization is a phenomenon which gas positive as well as negative effects in the world. Globalization has many effects ion the human behavior in the present era. It is the intensive and rapid flow of money, goods, services, culture and the current world which defines the fundamental characteristics of the society.

Effects of Globalization on us

Globalization can be defined as a process of integration and interaction among the people. It can be driven by investment and international trade by the information technology. This process effects the environment, culture and political system. It also effects the economic development and human well being in societies around the world. Globalization is a heavy overlap in the relations of economic, social, political and cultural relations between the various countries of the world (Smith, 2007).Thus ease the movement of people, goods and capital, services and information. The central idea behind globalization is that many problems cannot adequately evaluate and study at the nation-state, ie, at the country level and its international relations with other countries. Instead, they must be formulated in terms of global processes. Some researchers have gone into this so far that they predict that global forces (by which we mean multinational companies, and other global economic education, global culture or globalizing incompatible ideology) are so strong that they called into question the continued existence of separate national states (Chanda, 2007). Globalization is a contradictory concept, and definitions of it abound. However, most researchers agree that, experientially, globalization refers to a reorganization of time and space in which many movements of peoples, things, and ideas throughout much of the world have become increasingly faster and effortless. Spatially and temporally, cities and towns, individuals and groups, institutions and governments have become linked in ways that are fundamentally new in many regards, especially in terms of the potential speed of interactions among them. Beyond these shared perspectives on and approaches to globalization, researchers disagree with one another in significant regards (Sheila, 2004). The first concerns the “what”: Does globalization name a more-or-less singular and radical transformation that encompasses the globe, in which techno economic advancements have fundamentally reorganized time-space, bringing people, places, things, and ideas from all corners of the world into closer contact with one another.

Theories of evolution of globalization

The main assumptions that are extracted from the theory of globalization can be summarized in three key points. First, cultural factors are the determinants of societies. Second, under present world conditions it is important to use nation-states as the unit of analysis and global communication and international links in this category are becoming less useful. As, it has a greater standardization of the technological advances a greater amount of social sectors can connect with other groups around the world. This includes the dominant and non dominant groups in each ...
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