Globalization Democracy

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Globalization Democracy

Globalization Democracy

Globalization Democracy

What is political power and should we be concerned if it is concentrated in the hands of a few?

Power is an indispensable and important element of any society. It is the object of rivalry between classes, groups, classes, parties and individuals. At the same time, the authorities - an essential condition of organization and order of human society. The question of power is a key to social revolutions and in the modernization of society.

In political science, there is no single theoretical and methodological approach to the analysis of power, the content of this concept, but the researchers note the complexity and diversity of issues of power, the diversity of its carriers (subjects) and varieties. Power is a special kind of social relations inherent in humanity at all stages of its development. Through the power, relations of society realized the objective need of self-regulation and the organization. Power in society is the source and the main parameters which include scale, scope, time and space. The scope of power - it features values, scope, size, influence one way or another authority. Amount of power is the amount of power concentrated in someone's hands or authoritative body. Length of power is a period of functioning of the government or the powerful body. Space determined by area of power, territory, region, within which such power or effective, at least formally functions (Sheila, 2004).

The concept of political power reflects the ability and the ability of individuals or groups have a decisive impact on society, to carry out its will to manage them, to mobilize large numbers of people to achieve their goals, the relationships between individual groups.

The political life of society includes the activities of certain social groups and individuals on the government. Depending on the extent of their involvement in these activities produce subjects and objects of political power. According to the statement, power should not be limited to hands of few as it can be a problem for others and they can suffer because if the person who has the power he misuses this power, others suffer due to him.

Define globalization and evaluate if the process is reducing the importance of the state.

Globalization can be defined as a process of integration and interaction among the people. It can be driven by investment and international trade by the information technology. This process effects the environment, culture and political system. It also effects the economic development and human learning being in societies around the world. Globalization is a heavy overlap in the relations of economic, social, political and cultural relations between the various countries of the world (Isakhan, 2011). And thus ease the movement of people, goods and capital, services and information. The central idea behind globalization is that many problems cannot be evaluated and studied at the nation-state, i.e., at the country level and its international relations with other countries. Instead, they must be formulated in terms of global processes. Some researchers have gone into this so far that ...
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