Globalization And National Security

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Globalization and National Security

Globalization and National Security

Is globalization a positive or negative factor in the world? Respond using concrete examples, data and theoretical perspectives provided by our readings and videos.

Globalization is the process through which the peoples of the world interconnected in all aspects of their life that is culturally, economically and politically, technically and environmentally. Globalization has always been equated by many analysts with economic interdependence. Globalization is a positive factor in the world. Globalization is a term that has, in many instances, come to replace the older and no less complex notion of “development.” In fact, globalization, has replaced the term development as the new action word of contemporary international governance discourse.

Not simply a term that describes an inevitable process that is shaping the modern world, globalization, when conflated with development, is a metapolicy guiding the way to social and economic well-being in the global community. Undoubtedly, the globalization debate is not only the most significant debate of our time but, given the complexity of the issues, it will continue for the foreseeable future. Globalization promotes peace, unlike war driving statist. The reason is very simple, no two countries that benefits from mutual trade is willing to engage in a destructive affair, which would destabilize and disrupt the source of his wealth: production and trade.

Globalization as a concept developed from the beginning of the century, and not the result of a new integration and the latest technological innovations. William Duiker also argues that globalization is a result of the evolution of public policies and practices with the whole concept should be depoliticized. In other words, globalization would not exist without the political will of States. As The National Security Agency (NSA) is a highly secretive U.S. cryptologic intelligence agency that collects, processes, and directs commercial, diplomatic, and military information derived from foreign electronic signals. NSA provides the decoded information to national intelligence agencies, uses the information for counterintelligence purposes, and assists the military in protective measures. Its two main tasks are to protect the U.S. information system and to produce foreign signals intelligence. It is one of 13 intelligence organizations in the United States and has its headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland.

The NSA engages in highly specialized activities, carried out in great secrecy and legally prohibited from being publicized. Banks, civil rights leaders, politicians, embassies, trade missions, terrorists, oil companies, newspapers, commodity dealers, radical political groups, and other people and organizations are monitored daily. The NSA computers are so huge that they cover an area of 11 acres at Fort Meade. As of 2004, the NSA was under the leadership of Director Lieutenant General Michael V. Hayden and Deputy Director William B. Black, Jr.

It employs analysts, linguists, researchers, computer scientists, engineers, security officers, physicists, managers, and data flow experts along with support staff such as clerical and administrative assistants The NSA's mathematicians specialize in code making and code breaking. The NSA's number of civilian and military employees is ...
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