Globalization & China

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Chinese Migration of 18th & 20th Century and Globalization & China

Table of Contents



Population of China3

China's Population History4

Measures undertaken to Control Population6


Chinese Migration 18th to 20th Century9



Chinese Migration of 18th & 20th Century and Globalization & China


This paper examines at length the particular theme of China's population migration in the 18th to 20th century. While also addressing the main research question about the importance to China of its high levels of increasing population, and how this population boom has had an impact over the rest of the world, especially in this era of globalization.

Before analysing and discussing the Chinese migration and of China's high population, it is only prudent enough that an overview about globalization is provided. Journalists and politicians often use the term globalization due to its diverse set of characteristics that constitutes of profound implications in today's world. However, this phrase is increasingly used and is popular in academic spheres for the meaning of its concept and various aspects, which is being increasingly debated by various scholars and analysts. Despite it, this particular term is extremely broad based in its sense and even more in its applications, which is also a main reason for it being so highly debated (, 2001).

Similarly, speaking about China, it is nothing less than a dilemma to determine where one shall begin discussing about it from any aspect. From historical point of view, China boasts of an old yet rich cultural history, with its civilization estimated to be about over five thousand years old.

It has had many imperial dynasties, which have further added to the social and cultural importance of China in today's world. Likewise, it is observed that the Chinese society has progressed over five major phases in its entire history. These phases includes Chinese society evolution from primitive to a slave society, later on becoming into an feudal society to semi-feudal and semi-colonial society, over a number of years. The last phase of the Chinese society began by transforming into a socialist society on 1st October 1949, by declaring itself as the People's Republic of China. It is since then that the country has grown in all aspects, be it of population, socially, culturally and most importantly, economically (


Further continuing our discussion upon globalization it is necessary to discuss about its process, which is the assimilation and integration of people, businesses, systems, nations and governments of different countries, that merge through the forces of investment and international trade, which is further backed by the advancement in the informational technology. This phenomena has far reaching effects in terms of that it influences various processes such as the culture, economic development, growth, environment and political infrastructure of a society or countries around the world (

However, this phenomenon is relatively not new and has been present for over thousands of years. This has been so in the manner that in the yore times, people who have now converted into big business enterprises, have been trading or exchanging goods for a value, or in ...
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